

作者: 巴鶴 | 来源:发表于2021-04-07 10:00 被阅读0次


    1. How often do you .....?
      1. 解析: 此句型用于询问他人多久做一次什么事情,how often…,助动词do后面需要用动词原形,如 play the piano; call your mom等。
      2. 例子: How often do you play the piano?
    2. Do you play .....?
    3. 解析: 此句型可以用于询问他人是否玩某种运动/乐器,play后面可以跟某种运动,如basketball/football/tennis等;也可以跟某种乐器,如 the piano/the violin等
    4. 例子: Do you play basketball
    5. What do you like .....?
      1. 解析: 询问别人具体喜欢什么东西的时候可以用 What … do you like? What 后面可以跟不同的事物,比如What sport;What music等。
      2. 例子: What sport do you like?
    6. I like...?
      1. 解析: like 后面直接跟名词,表达喜欢某物;like 后面跟动名词,表示喜欢做某事,动词需要加ing,如playing basketball,也可以直接用单个动名词,如 cooking,running,swimming等。
      2. 例子: I like playing basketball
    7. What's your favorite .....?
      1. 解析: favorite是形容词,表示最喜欢的,后面跟喜欢的东西,通常是单数名词,如your favorite color;my favorite movie等。
      2. 例子: What's your favorite color?
    8. Do you .....often ?
      1. 解析: 询问别人是否经常做某事时,用一般疑问句,助动词do 提问,后面用动词原形,Do you do sth often?do sth可以替换成动词或动词词组,如swim;play the piano等。
      2. 例子: Do youplay the piano often?
    9. What’s the weather like in autumn in your hometown?
      1. 解析: 询问家乡秋天的天气,回答是一样的,需要用it作主语回答
      2. 答案: It is sunny/rainy/windy in + 季节+地点
    10. What’s Tom like?
      1. 解析: 询问某人怎么样,需要用这个人作主语,描述其性格特征或者外貌特征
      2. 答案: He/She is very kind/friendly/nice; 或 He/She is tall/short
    11. too…to…
      1. 解析: too + adj. + to + v. 句型,表示太怎么样以至于不能做某事,too后是形容词,to后面跟动词原形
      2. 答案: This coat is too small to wear. 这件外套太小了穿不了
      3. 答案: He’s too young to go there alone. 他年纪太小,不能自己一个人去那儿。
    12. Can you tell me the way to...?
      1. 解析: 此句型用于询问路线/方向,此处to是介词,后面跟地点名词
      2. 答案: to the bus stop, to Wangfujing,to the airport等
    13. How much is…?
      1. 解析: 此句型用于询问价格,is 后面需要跟可数名词单数或不可数名词
      2. 答案: the ticket,that dress,the blue coat
      3. 答案: 也可以用are,后面跟可数名词复数,如 How much are these?How much are the tickets?
    14. Let’s change another...
      1. 解析: 我们换另一个…吧。这是一个祈使句句型,表示提议、建议,another后面需要跟可数名词单数
      2. 答案: another bus,another taxi,another train等



