词为我用 - assiduous

词为我用 - assiduous

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-05-24 19:06 被阅读0次


    assiduous  TEM8  IELTS  GRE

    UK  /əˈsɪdʒ.u.əs/ US  /əˈsɪdʒ.u.əs/

    adj, Someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly.刻苦的,勤奋的,兢兢业业的



    1. Now’s the time to be assiduous about everything you’ve already read in nearly every article ever published on good sleep habits.(Washington Post)

    2. During much of President Donald Trump’s administration, Powell’s assiduous attention to cementing relationships on Capitol Hill appeared to pay off, insulating him from a hot-tempered president who installed him and later regretted it.(Reuters)

    3. The courts — with the assiduous assistance of Senate Republicans — are stocked to the extent possible with Trump appointees.(Washington Post)

    4. The envoys might deserve some credit for their assiduous devotion to the great Indian democracy roadshow.(The Guardian)

    5. Despite years of harassment and assiduous efforts to evict him from his house, he managed to hold on to some of his land and continued to live in his house, which the settlement eventually encircled.(The Guardian)

    6. Likewise today, the assiduous demonstrators on the streets of Khartoum are still waiting to see in which direction Sudan’s guns are turning.(The Guardian)

    7. Butina wore many hats, presenting as a gun advocate, reporter, “daredevil” working undercover, and assiduous graduate student–depending on whom she was speaking to.(The Guardian)

    8. The tone grows bitter, dismissing Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion on the Second Amendment as “a prolonged exercise in legalistic legerdemain, or perhaps a tortured display of verbal ingenuity by an overly assiduous Scrabble player.”(Washington Post)

    9. Topiary, the unnatural shaping of shrubs through assiduous pruning, is not exactly in step with prevailing horticultural philosophy, which values native species, informality, and minimal human intervention.(Wall Street Journal)

    10. Mukasonga is a master of subtle shifts in register — a skill inherited, perhaps, from the Rwandan traditions of intricate courtesy and assiduous privacy that Stefania maintained(New York Times)

    11. Worshippers at the three adjoining grand churches in this hilly suburb of Pittsburgh are assiduous Christians, mostly middle- and working-class and overwhelmingly white.(TheEconomist)

    12. “The brave and assiduous oversight by congressional leaders in discovering this unprecedented abuse of power represents a giant, historic leap in the repair of America’s democracy,” he said.(Seattle Times)


    assiduous people, oversight, cultivation, effort, devotion, attention, assistance | assiduous about


    assiduously, assiduousness, assiduity


    "attentive, devoted, constant in application," 1530s, from Latin assiduus "attending; continually present, incessant; busy; constant," from assidere/adsidere "to sit down to, sit by" (thus "be constantly occupied" at one's work); from ad "to" (see ad-) + sedere "to sit," from PIE root *sed- (1) "to sit." The word acquired a taint of "servile" in 18c.


    active, bustling, busy, diligent, employed, engaged, hopping, industrious, laborious, occupied, sedulous, tied-up


    lazy, idle, indolent, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied

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          本文标题:词为我用 - assiduous
