Lily的Scalers Talk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da

Lily的Scalers Talk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da

作者: 草木Lily | 来源:发表于2023-05-08 21:17 被阅读0次

    L51-1:Predicting the future

    Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. Who could have imagined, in the mid 1970s, for example, that by the end of the 20th century, computers would be as common in people's homes as TV sets? In the 1970s, computers were common enough, but only in big business, government departments, and large organizations. These were the so- called main frame machines. Mainframe computers were very large indeed, often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms, employing full-time technicians and run on specially-written software. Though these large machines still exist, many of their functions have been taken over by small powerful personal computers, commonly known as PCs.

    In1975, a primitive machine called the Altair, was launched in the USA.

    notorious /noʊˈtɔːriəs/  臭名昭著;著名地;众所周知地;

    so-called  号称、所谓的

    mainframe  /ˈmeɪnfreɪm/ 主机、中央处理机

    full-time  专职的

    technician  技师

    take over  接收、接管

    commonly known as  俗称、通常称作

    primitive  /ˈprɪmətɪv/ 原始的;远古的;

    launch /lɔːntʃ/ (产品的)上市;(事件的)发起 ,(航天器的)发射

    Altair  牵牛星;




        本文标题:Lily的Scalers Talk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da
