1.7.2 MySQL数据库增删改查学习

1.7.2 MySQL数据库增删改查学习

作者: 丘比特爱上猫 | 来源:发表于2018-07-11 18:09 被阅读16次

1. 增

  1. 添加一整条数据
insert into my_test values(0,'小明',0,'1999-1-1',0);
  1. 添加不完整数据
insert into my_students(name) values('小家电');
  1. 添加多条数据
insert into my_test(name) values('阿姨'),('神雕'),('郭襄');

2. 删

  1. 物理删除
delete from stus where id=5;

3. 改

  1. 修改某条数据
update students set birthday='1990-2-2' where id=2

4. 查

  1. 查看列表所有数据
select * from my_test;
  1. 筛选数据
select * from stus where isdelete=0;
  1. 逻辑与运算与或非 and , or , not
select * from stus where name='小米' and isdelete=0;
  1. 模糊查询
# %表示任意多个字符
select * from stus where name like '小%';
# 下划线数量表示占位符数量
select * from stus where name like '小_';
  1. 范围查询
select * from stus where id in (1,4,6);
# 编号3-8的男生
select * from stus where id between 3 and 8 and gender=1;
  1. 空判断
# null 与 ‘’ 是不同的
select * from stus where birthday is null;
select * from stus where birthday is not null;
  1. 优先级
# 小括号>not>比较运算符>逻辑运算符
# and > or 

4.1 聚合

  1. 求总数 count()
select count(*) from stus where isDelete=0;
  1. 最大值 max()
select max(id) from stus;
  1. 最大值 min()
select min(id) from stus;
  1. 平均值 avg()
select avg(id) from stus;
  1. 求和 sum()
select sum(id) from stus where gender=1;

4.2 分组

  1. 统计男女生人数
select gender,count(*) from stus group by gender;
  1. 分组后筛选
select gender,count(*) from stus group by gender having gender=0;
select gender,count(*) from stus group by gender having count(*)>2;
select gender,count(*) as rs from stus group by gender having rs>2;

4.3 排序 select * from 表 order by 列1 asc|desc,列2 asc|desc,...

  1. 默认由小到大
# 男生按id降序排列
select * from stus where isDelete=0 and gender=1 order by id desc;

4.4 分页

语法 select * from 表 limit start,count; 从start开始,获取count条数据,start索引从0开始

select * from stus where isDelete=0 limit 1,3;


select * from stus where idDelete=0 limit (n-1)*m,m;



      本文标题:1.7.2 MySQL数据库增删改查学习
