His considerable/great/growing/obvious/powerful/special/strong appeal lies in his quiet, gentle manner.
The book's immediate/instant appeal to young children.
The speech's limited/little appeal to young chilidren
a publication designed for broad/mass/popular/universal/wide appeal
We are trying to broaden/extend/widen appeal of classical music.
aesthetic/commercial/electoral/intellectual/sex/visual appeal
Unfortunately, the film lacks commercial appeal.
2 School lost its appeal for her in the second year.
3. The Economist holds considerable appeal for many students who eager to improve their English writing .
The Economist has wide appeal for students who want to improve their English writing skills.
4. 我是一个好奇心特别旺盛的人。只要是新东西,不管是新产品,新概念,还是新政策,我都感兴趣。
The new things, no matter new productions or new policies, have instant appeal for me.
#classical adj. classic n.#