【百天聆听】第5天 原典英语训练教材

【百天聆听】第5天 原典英语训练教材

作者: 苏苏家的安迪 | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 19:47 被阅读0次

初级Peter Pan第四章

Chapter Four: The Mermaid's Lagoon

One summer evening Peter, Wendy, John,Michael and the Lost Boys go to the Mermaid's Lagoon. Beautiful mermaids livehere and they are Peter's friends. They swim and play in the blue lagoon. Thenthey sit on Marooner's Rock to comb[1]their long hair. They sit in the sun and laugh.

The children like the mermaids and Johnsays, "I want to catch one !" He tries, but the mermaid jumps intothe water.

Peter says, "It is very difficult tocatch a mermaid."

Suddenly someone says, "Look, thepirates are coming!"

A small boat with two pirates is coming tothe lagoon, John, Michael and the Lost Boys jump off the rock and swim away.But Wendy stays with Peter. They hide behind the rock. Peter sees Tiger Lily.She is sitting in the small boat. Poor Tiger Lily is a prisoner of the pirates.

"Let's leave her on this rock. Whenthe sea rises[2],she will die !" says Smee. The two pirates laugh. It is already night andit is very dark.

Peter wants to save Tiger Lily and thinksof something intelligent. He imitates[3]Captain Hook's voice and says, "Cut the ropes and let her go! Do as I say,you idiots[4]!Let her go!" The two pirates are amazed[5].

"Can you hear Hook's voice?" asksSmee,

"Yes, but what can we do?" asksStarkey.

"We must obey him and cut the ropes,"says Smee.

They cut the ropes and Tiger Lily is free.

She quickly jumps into the water and swimsaway.

Captain Hook sees everything and he isfurious[6].

"That horrid[7]Peter Pan! This time I must attack him," he says.

He swims to the rock and fights with Peter.It is a long fight,

The Captain hurts Peter with his hook, butPeter fights courageously[8].At last, Peter wins the fight and Hook swims back to the Jolly Roger. Peter isnow alone on the rock with Wendy.

"The sea is rising and we are in greatdanger here. We must leave this rock," says Peter.

"Oh, Peter, I am very tired and Icannot swim or fly."

He sees a big kite[9]with a long tail. It is flying slowly over the lagoon. He takes the tail of thekite and says, "Wendy, hold on to[10]this tail and fly away with the kite." Wendy flies away.

"The sea is rising. I must fly away,"Peter thinks.

When he gets home everyone is happy to see

him especially Wendy.

[1]to comb :梳头。

[2]rises :上涨,增高。

[3]imitates :模仿。

[4]idiots :笨蛋。

[5]amazed :非常吃惊的。





[10]hold on to:抓住。


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 艾丽丝漫游奇境记

Chapter One: Down the Rabbit Hole

It is a beautiful, sunny afternoon. Alice and her sister are sitting by the river. Alice's sister is reading a book. Alice has nothing to do. She looks at her sister's book. There are no pictures in it.

'And what's the use of a book without pictures?' Alice thinks.

It is very, very hot. Alice is sleepy. Suddenly she sees a White Rabbit with pink eyes.

'Oh dear! Oh dear! I'm late!' he says.

The White Rabbit takes a watch out of his pocket and looks at it.

'A rabbit with a watch? That's very strange!' thinks Alice.

Alice follows the Rabbit across a field into a big rabbit hole and down,down, down. Alice falls down quite slowly. Around her she can see bookshelves, maps and pictures. She takes a jar from a shelf. 'Orange Marmalade'. She opens it but it is empty. She puts it back.

Down, down, down. 'I'm getting near the centre of the earth,' says Alice,

'I'll meet people that walk with their heads downwards! I'll ask them:

"Excuse me, is this New Zealand or Australia?'"

Suddenly she stops falling. She stands up quickly. There is a long passage before her. The Rabbit is hurrying down it. 'Oh my ears and whiskers! It's getting so late!'

The Rabbit disappears around a corner. Alice follows him.

Suddenly Alice is standing in a long hall. There are lots of lamps and doors all round the hall, but the doors are locked.

Alice notices a table with three legs in the middle of the hall. It is made of  glass. There is a small, golden key on it.

Alice takes the key and tries to open the doors, but no luck.

Then she looks around and notices a little door behind a curtain. She tries the key and opens the door. She looks inside and sees a beautiful garden.

'I would like to go into that garden,' thinks Alice, but she is too big. She can't get through the door.

'I would like to be smaller, but how?' She locks the little door and puts the key back on the table. There is a bottle on the table.

'I'm sure it wasn't there before,' Alice thinks. There is a label round the bottle. It says: 'Drink Me'.

'Perhaps it's dangerous, ' Alice says. So she tastes a little and she likes it.

She decides to drink it all.

'What a strange feeling!' Alice says, 'I'm getting smaller and smaller. I'm shutting up like a telescope.' And after a few minutes she is only 25 cm tall.

'Now I can go into the garden,' thinks Alice, but the door is locked and the key is on the table. Now she can't reach it.

Poor Alice! What a day!

She is very sad. She starts to cry.

'Stop crying, little Alice. What's the use of crying?' Alice says to herself.

Then she sees a little glass box under the table. She opens the box.

Inside there is a small cake and the words 'EAT ME' on the cake. 'Well, I'll eat it,' says Alice, 'and if it makes me taller I can take the key off the table and if it makes me shorter I can get under the door. I will get into the garden one way or another.'Alice eats the cake but nothing happens this time. She stays the same size;so she finishes the cake.



      本文标题:【百天聆听】第5天 原典英语训练教材
