

作者: TRICCCC | 来源:发表于2017-08-02 16:37 被阅读0次

1. promulgate:to spread an idea or belief to as many people as possible.

2.obedient: always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule says you must do.

your obedient servant

obediently: submissively, comformably

3. pretext: a false reason given for an action, in order to hide the real reason.

on/under pretext of doing sth.

on/under pretext that

4.sterculia: 苹婆属

5. fraudulent: intended to decive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc.

SYN: crank-sided, knavish

6. sagacious: able to understand and judge things very well.

7. embargo: an official order to stop trade with another country

                    to officially stop particular goods being traded with another country.

                    to stop information from being made public until a particular date or until permission is given.

embargo on/ against

impose/ lift an embargo

trade/ arms/ oil embargo 

8. hapatitis:肝炎

9.guava: a tropical fruit with pink flesh and a lot of seeds.

10.laud:  to praise someone or something.

11. cirrhosis: a serious disease of the liver, often caused by drinking too much alcohol.

12. syringe: an instrument for taking blood from somebody's body or puting liquid, drugs etc into it, consisting a hollow plastic tube and niddle.

to clean something with syringe, for example your ears.

13. hygiene:  the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent diease.

14. swerve: to make a sudden sideways movement while moving forwards, usually in order to aviod hitting something.

to change from an idea, course of action, purpose.

swerve across/ off/ into

15. jamboree: a big noisy event or party.

16. regale: regale sb. with sth

to entertain someone by telling them about something.

17. indulge: to let yourself do or have something that you enjoy, especially something that is considered bad for you.

18. obscene: relating to sex in a way that shocking and offensive.

                     extremly unfair, immoral, unpleasant, especially in a way that makes you angry.

19. tirade: a long angry speech criticizing someone or something.

20. feud: an angry and often violent quarrel betwwn two people or groups that continues for a long time.

             to continue quarrelling  for a long time,  often in a violent way.

21.interim: intended to be used or accepted for a short time only, until something or someone final can be made or found.

interim period: a period of time between two events.

in the interim: the period of time between two events.

interim provision: 暂行规定

22. armoury: a place where weapons are stored.

all the skills information etc someone has available to achieve something.

23. stampede: when a group of people all want to do the same thing at the same time.

when a group of large animals or prople suddenly start running in a same derection because they are frightened or excited.

be/get stampede: to be made frightened or worried so that you do something quickly, without thinking enough about it.

24. diesel: a type of heavy oil used in stead of petrol in engines, especially in buses, trucks and trains.

diesel car/truck

diesel locomotive: 内燃机车

25. avert: to prevent something unpleasant from happening.

avert your eyes/gaze etc: to look away from something so that you do not see it.

26. stance: an option that stated publicly.

stance on

stance against

a position in which you stand, especially when playing a sport

take/ adopt a stance.

27. bribery: the act of bribes.

28. polio: a serious infectious diease of the nerves in the spine,that often results in someone being permanently unable to move particular muscle.

29. excursion: a short journey arranged so that a group of people can visit a place, especially while they are on holiday.

excursion to

a short journey made for a particular purpose.

excursion into sth. an attempt to experience or learn something that is new to you.

excursion boat: 观光船

30.expiry: the end of a period of time during which an official document can legally be used, or the end of a period of authority.

expiry of

expiry date: the date after which something is not safe to or no longer besed. 失效日期

31. reliant: depend on someone or something.

reliant upon/on


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