Roles :
Tutor Secretly assigns Roles
Mafia ( 4)
Doctor (2)
Town Planner (2)
Cupid (2)
Everyone else is a Villager
Rounds :
Part 1
Message to tutor secretly
Mafia - Who to Kill
Doctor - Who to Save
Cupid - Who to Join
Town Planner - guess who is 1 mafia
Tutor secretly tell town planner if their guess is right or wrong
Tutor Announces
Who is dead ?
Moves post - it to eliminated ( or put a cross on it )
Part 2
Who they think is the mafia??
Every person votes
Message tutor or speak out
Tutor puts red dot on post it for each vote
Tutor announces
Who is voted out ?
Moves post - it to eliminated ( or put a cross on it )