历史循环之周期与文化之发扬 |「英文观止」

历史循环之周期与文化之发扬 |「英文观止」

作者: 08d0e42a1582 | 来源:发表于2020-12-10 11:27 被阅读0次




    The parallelism of events within each cycle unfolded itself with an unreasonable mechanical exactness as to time and sequence. Dr. Lee mentions, for instance, the undertaking of a great engineering feat which was repeated with fatal regularity and at the exact stage in each cycle, namely, immediately at the beginning of a new bloom of culture: for the first cycle, the building of the Great Wall under the Ch’in Dynasty and the colossal palaces, the Ofangkung, which were soon subjected to a conflagration lasting three months; for the second cycle, the building of the Grand Canal under the Sui Emperor, who had also magnificent palaces, noted for their grandeur and luxury; and for the third cycle, the rebuilding of the Great Wall, in which form it has survived to the present day.


    The parallelism of events within each cycle unfolded itself with an unreasonable mechanical exactness as to time and sequence.

    parallelism, 指“相似”,e.g. I think he exaggerates the parallelism between the two cases. 我认为他夸大了两件事的相似之处。

    exactness, 指“精确”,e.g. This method has the advantage of high exactness. 这种方法具有运算精度高的优点。

    as to, 指“关于”,e.g. We have found some drivers clueless as to the law. 我们发现有些司机对这一法规一无所知。




    Dr. Lee mentions, for instance, the undertaking of a great engineering feat which was repeated with fatal regularity and at the exact stage in each cycle, namely, immediately at the beginning of a new bloom of culture: for the first cycle, the building of the Great Wall under the Ch’in Dynasty and the colossal palaces, the Ofangkung, which were soon subjected to a conflagration lasting three months; for the second cycle, the building of the Grand Canal under the Sui Emperor, who had also magnificent palaces, noted for their grandeur and luxury; and for the third cycle, the rebuilding of the Great Wall, in which form it has survived to the present day.

    feat,指“功绩”,e.g. The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。

    colossal, 指“巨大的”,e.g. This is indeed a colossal success. 这确实是个巨大的成功。

    be subjected to, 指“遭受”,e.g. He was subjected to severe criticism. 他受到了严厉的批评。

    conflagration,指“大火”,e.g. The light of that conflagration will fade away. 这场大火会渐渐熄灭。

    grandeur, 指“宏伟” e.g. The ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place。这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。

    句子分析:此句首先引用李博士的话总结了历史循环周期与文化发扬的关系——初期有伟大工程之修建,而末期伟大工程必遭不幸之毁灭。接着列举了中国历史上三个周期的雄伟建筑——长城、阿房宫、大运河——都是兴建于历史循环初期,毁灭于历史循环末期,强有力地支撑了李博士的观点。该句句式乍看复杂冗长,实则简明易懂。“Dr. Lee mentions...bloom of culture:”总领下文,接着通过排比句式,即“for the first cycle...;for the second cycle...;for the third cycle...”,呈现出三个周期循环的共性,直观而清晰。




          本文标题:历史循环之周期与文化之发扬 |「英文观止」
