That a country after two thousand years of comparatively civilized living could furnish living material for such a story as All Men Are Brothers, when the eating of human flesh, though rare, was still possible, certainly reveals in a measure the mystery of this enigma of social continuity against the havoc of civilization. Sung Chiang, Li Kuei and the host of robust robbers on the top of Liangshanpo, although coming almost fifteen centuries after Confucius, do not suggest to us representatives of an outworn civilization, but rather happy children of a people in the twilight of a dawning culture, when security of life was yet unknown. It seems as if the race, instead of reaching full maturity with Confucius, was really enjoying a prolonged childhood.

That a country after two thousand years of comparatively civilized living could furnish living material for such a story as All Men Are Brothers, when the eating of human flesh, though rare, was still possible, certainly reveals in a measure the mystery of this enigma of social continuity against the havoc of civilization.
civilized, 指“文明的”,e.g. His new theory has caused a sensation throughout the civilized world. 他的新理论轰动了整个文明世界。
comparatively, 指“比较地,相当地”,e.g. Here is, in this poem, an example of irony, of a really comparatively simple kind. 这里有一首诗,就是讽刺的手法,是一种比较简单的手法。
havoc, 指“大破坏”,e.g. The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city. 地震对这座城市造成了大破坏。
enigma, 指“谜,不可思议的东西”,e.g. Anyway, this returns us to the enigma of Aristotle. 无论如何,这将我们带回到围绕亚里士多德的谜团。
句子分析:本句为总起句,以《水浒传》的创作为例,描述了原始状态下的文明。本句主句为“That a country...a story as All Men Are Brothers”,when引导的定语从句修饰All Men Are Brothers,在揭示《水浒传》的时代创作背景的同时,也讽刺了当时社会的黑暗与社会机构的腐败。

Sung Chiang, Li Kuei and the host of robust robbers on the top of Liangshanpo, although coming almost fifteen centuries after Confucius, do not suggest to us representatives of an outworn civilization, but rather happy children of a people in the twilight of a dawning culture, when security of life was yet unknown.
representative, 指“代表”,e.g. You should come or send a representative at least. 你应该来,或者说,至少派一位代表来。
outworn, 指“陈腐的,陈旧的”,在本句中译为“衰老的”,e.g. We must break away from outworn rules and regulations. 我们必须打破陈旧的规章制度。
twilight, 指“曙暮光,霞光”,e.g. By now the blue of twilight is glowing. 此时,黄昏绽放出蔚蓝色的霞光。
句子分析:Although,do not,but rather三个词都有转折强调之意。本句中运用这三个词,强调说明了虽然当时的社会背景恶劣腐败,与孔子为代表的文明时代相去甚远,但是正是这些梁山好汉以最为原始的武斗,犹如天真的孩童一般,揭竿起义,替天行道。他们的狭义之举使得他们的形象更为鲜活,也为中华文化增添了丝丝活力。

It seems as if the race, instead of reaching full maturity with Confucius, was really enjoying a prolonged childhood.
maturity, 指“成熟”,e.g. Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals. 人类发育较缓——在生命的各个阶段,我们都晚于其他哺乳动物。
prolong, 指“延长”,e.g. The treaty has been prolonged for another ten years. 条约延长10年。
句子分析:本句主句为the race was enjoying a prolonged childhood,instead of reaching full maturity with Confucius为状语。简明扼要地总结了正是中华民族的文明并未脱离原始状态,才使得民族生命充满活力,享受着绵长的童年。
