午间朗读0424:Self-quarantines in his

午间朗读0424:Self-quarantines in his

作者: 熙航君 | 来源:发表于2020-04-24 11:20 被阅读0次


Texas emergency room doctor self-quarantines in his kids' backyard treehouse

By Ashlee Burns

Many healthcare workers are taking precautions to protect their families from exposure to COVID-19, but a Corpus Christi emergency room doctor is taking self-isolation to another level.

Jason Barnes, 39, is a physician at Christus Spohn Hospital Beeville and Christus Spohn Hospital South. He couldn't risk exposing his wife, Jenna, and sons, Stiles and Bentley, to the coronavirus, so he packed his things and made his kids' backyard treehouse a temporary home.

Working in the emergency room, Barnes has treated patients who came in for problems, such as a hurt leg, only to find out they were infected with coronavirus.

"The main reason I'm isolating from my family because I've been treating patients with the virus," Barnes said. "My wife and kids often get sick with things I bring home from the hospital, and many times in the emergency department, we get caught off guard with patients."

Barnes has spent nearly three weeks in the cabin treehouse. He often shouts down to his kids or sometimes goes up to the glass door of their home to ask for something.


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