
作者: 邱天 | 来源:发表于2018-09-20 15:31 被阅读9次

1. Five Questions about Microsporidia

笔记:a diverse group of obligate intracellular eukaryotic parasites.

There are approximately 1,300 formally described species in 160 genera.

Most potential host lineages have been poorly surveyed.

13 species of microsporidia have been documented to infect humans

commercially important animal species.

and various domesticated mammals

Their infective stage is a thick-walled spore

sophisticated infection apparatus

polar filament

polar tube is in effect a projectile

cytoplasm细胞质 phagocytosis吞噬作用 vacuole液泡mitochondria线粒体protists原生生物 organelle细胞器

and have thus been difficult to compare to other eukaryotes

lump them with将它与….

microsporidia were discovered in 1857 ,they were considered to be schizomycete fungi

intracellular parasitic way of life

have since been shown to be

led to the proposal that

in a way某种程度上说

much like that of other eukaryotes

in the opposite strand


2. Detection of microsporidia in drinking water, wastewater and recreational rivers


Diarrhea is the main health problem caused by human-related microsporidia

water- borne transmission is one of the main risk factors for intestinal diseases

studies related to the presence of microsporidia in different types of waters from countries where human microsporidiosis has been described are still scarce

have been analyzed.

were filtered to recover parasites

this is the first report of human-pathogenic microsporidia in water samples from

should be established to avoid health risks from this pathogen

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular eukaryote pathogens that

the transmission of microsporidian sporesis seriously considered by American agencies concerned with the quality of drinking water (Nwachcuku and Gerba, 2004)

using the following species-specific primers: EBIEF1/EBIER1 for Enterocytozoon.bieneusi

Amplification products were analyzed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by ethidium bromide staining.

To the best of our knowledge, our results are the first report of human-pathogenic microsporidia in water samples from Spain.

In this scenario


3. Dominance of Giardia duodenalis assemblage A and Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotype BEB6 in sheep in Inner Mongolia, China


the occurrence and genotype distribution of Giardia duodenalis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in sheep

fecal specimens were collected from

16 of the 375 (4.3%) specimens were positive for G. duodenalis

By PCR analysis of the triosephosphate isomerase gene

13 sequenced successfully belonging to assemblage A

These data indicate that sheep in Inner Mongolia are commonly infected with G. duodenalis assemblage A and E. bieneusi genotype BEB6, two zoonotic pathogens in China.

Giardia duodenalis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi are two common intestinal parasites of humans and animals, causing giardiasis and microsporidiosis, respectively

over 200 genotypes of E. bieneusi genotypes have been identified based on sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the rRNA gene.

Little is known about the genotype distribution and zoonotic potential of G. duodenalis in sheep, especially in China.

Fecal specimens were stored in 2.5% potassium dichromate at 4°C

To date, the distribution of E. bieneusi genotypes in sheep the role of sheep in E.bieneusi transmission in humans remain unclear

This needs confirmation from case-control studies and molecular epidemiologic characterizations of specimens from humans and farm animals living in the same households or areas.

小结:内蒙古呼伦贝地区微孢子虫和贾第虫流行病学调查,贾第虫阳性率16 of the 375 (4.3%) specimens,微孢子虫阳性率77.8%of lambs and 62.9% of ewes 。贾第虫分型有集聚体A及其亚型,微孢子虫分型有BEB6和CM7.

4. Infection rate of Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in cashmere,dairy and meat goats in China

笔记:Goats constitute an important species in animal agriculture

This is the first detailed study to compare infection rate of the zoonotic protozoan pathogens in cashmere, dairy and meat goats in China.

are three common causative agents of diarrhea in immunocompetent people and life-threatening illness in immunocompromised individuals, especially in AIDS  patients

little is known of their reservoir hosts and their routes of transmission.

most E. bieneusi /genotypes are frequently found in both humans and animals and are thus considered to have a zoonotic potential

The goat, as one of the most important economic animals in China, especially for  Muslims

we undertook the first comparison of the infection rates of G. duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp.and E. bieneusi in cashmere, meat and dairy goats in China,

Since the first recognition of E. bieneusi in AIDS patients in 1985, this pathogen has been recognized as the most prevalent microsporidian in humans

小结:阳性80 (12.7%),

104 (16.5%) and 179 (28.5%) for G. duodenalis, Cryptosporidiumspp. and E.bieneusi。隐孢子:Cryptosporidium xiaoi;Cryptosporidium parvum;Cryptosporidiumubiquitum; 贾第虫:A+E; 微孢子:BEB6,CHG1,CHG2,CHS7, COSI and a novel genotype named asSX1(新基因型)分别在陕西和河南对肉羊、绒毛用羊、奶用羊进行的流行病学调查

5.Microsporidiosis: Enterocytozoon bieneusi in domesticated and wild animals

期刊:Research in Veterinary Science 影响因子:1.616 分区:3区 审稿:9月/50%


Microsporidia are aubiquitous group of obligate intracellular parasites that infect all major animal groups.

E. bieneusi has been found with over 90 genotypes identified based on the ITS nucleotide sequence of E. bieneusi spores recovered from the feces of infected humans and animals.

a diverse group of obligate intracellular parasites

14 species in eight genera infect humans

E. bieneusi is the most frequently diagnosed species of Microsporidia in humans

The epidemiology of E. bieneusi remains unclear and reservoirs and the routes of transmission of E. bieneusi are still unknown.

electron microscopic morphology电镜形态 phylogenetic analyses进化分析

are described herein

Currently, members of the phylum Microsporidia are classified as fungi

In the past they were variously regarded as alga

Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotype nomenclature based on the internal transcribed spacer

sequence. A consensus. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology

Several genotypes E. bieneusi have been found to infect only humans

Currently there are 93 genotypes: 34 are found only in humans, 11 in humans and a variety of animals, 12 found only in cattle, 11 found only in pigs, one found in both cattle and pigs, and one found in cattle and birds. Five genotypes are found only in cats, two only in horses, one only in dogs, three only in raccoons,four only in muskrats, two only in beavers, two only in bids, and one each in llamas, kudos, marmosets, and one in both beaver and otter

Of seven goats examined in Galicia, northern Spain, one was found positive when DNA from feces was amplified with E. bieneusi specific primers but not with species-specific primers for E. intestinalis, E. hellem,or E. cuniculi


6. Molecular Characterization of Microsporidia Indicates that Wild Mammals Harbor Host-Adapted Enterocytozoon spp. as well as Human-Pathogenic Enterocytozoon bieneusi



A two-step nested PCR protocol was developed to amplify a 392-bp fragment of the internal transcribed spacer region of the rRNA gene of Enterocytozoon spp.

15 have not been reported before

host-adapted genotypes   deionized water

This is the first report of E. bieneusi in wildlife.

At least six genera including 14 species have been reported to infect humans

with age and sex of animals recorded.

The age of animals was estimated by body measurements (length and weight) and, in the case of otters, also by inspection of canine teeth. Feces

phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) solution

AF101197 toAF101200, AF242475, AF242476 to AF242479, AF267145, and AF267147), pig(AF076040 to AF076043, AF135832 to AF135835, AF348469 to AF348477, and U61180),rhesus monkey (AF023245), cattle (AF135836 to AF135837, AF267143, andAF267144), cat (AF267141 to AF267142), llama (AF267146), and farm dogs and cats(AF118144 andAF059610)


Of the 465 wild life isolates characterized, 59 were found to be PCR positive.

Nucleotide sequences of the ITS were generated for all 59 PCR-positive isolates

Spores of E.bieneusi have been frequently found in water in


7. Zoonotic Potential of Enterocytozoon bieneusi

期刊:JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY影响因子:4.05 分区:2区 审稿:3月/65%


The reservoirs and the modes of transmission of the most frequent microsporidial species in humans, Enterocytozoon bieneusi, are still unknown

We have examined fecal samples of 26 humans and 350 animals from 37 species to find 18 samples containing this parasite from humans, cats, pigs, cattle, and a llama. Genotypic

GenBank entries AF076041 (genotype EbpB) and AF076043 (genotype EbpD), both from pigs, and AF118144 (genotype EbfelA), from a cat

Nevertheless, the zoonotic potential of E. bieneusi can no longer be denied.

小结:introduction主要描写最新进展或者文章研究特色,对ITS序列进行了详细的阐述并试验验证。结果E. bieneusi DNA was detected in two humans (genotypes C and Q), seven head of cattle (genotypes F,I, J [n = 3], M, and N), five pigs (genotypes F [n =3], G, H, and O; genotypesG and Hare from the same animal), three cats (genotypes K [n= 2] and L), and one llama (genotype P)

8. Inter species transmission of Enterocytozoon bieneusi supported by observations in laboratory animals and phylogeny


Enterocytozoonbieneusi is emerging as an important cause of chronic diarrhoea in AIDS patients



9. Transmission of Enterocytozoon bieneusi between a Child and Guinea Pigs

期刊:JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY影响因子:4.05 分区:2区 审稿:3月/65%


Microsporidia are intracellular organisms that infect humans and animals and are now considered to be fungi

understanding the mechanisms of transmission of E. bieneusi is crucial for preventing infections

enteric parasites肠道寄生虫  gastrointestinal parasites消化道寄生虫


E. bieneusi infections are underreported in


10. Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium Infecting White-tailed Deer

期刊:Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology影响因子:2.537 分区:3区 审稿:6-12周/较易


Despite a white-tailed deer (WTD) population in the United States of approximately 32 million animals extremely little is known of the prevalence and species of the protists that infect these animals.

All PCR-positive specimens were sequenced to determine the species and genotypes

Of specimens from 80 WTD, 26 (32.5%) contained 17 genotypes of E. bieneusi

Four genotypes were previously reported (I, J, WL4, LW1) and 13 novel genotypes were identified and named DeerEb1-DeerEb13

Genotypes I, J, and LW1 are known to infect humans

one of the best recognized large mammals in North America

Over the past 30 yr 

reversion of abandoned farm fields to forest归耕还林 protist diseases原生生物疾病

Cups were capped,labeled, and immediately placed in an insulated container packed with ice or cold packs. Specimens

Sequence chromatograms of each strand were aligned and examined with Lasergene software Of the 80 specimens collected 10 (12.5%), 1 (1.25%), and 26 (32.5%) were positive by PCR for Cryptosporidium, G. duodenalis, and E. bieneusi, respectively

AY237212  AF135836  AF135837   JX000571

It is well known that those parasites are waterborne given that spores, oocysts, and cysts are commonly detected in water worldwide

The detection of spores of E. bieneusi in surface water (Galv?an et al. 2013; Guo et al. 2014;Ye et al. 2012) suggests that water potentially plays an important role in the transmission this parasite.

However, the epidemiology of E. bieneusi including animal reservoirs and transmission patterns still remains poorly understood

小结:Of the 80 specimens collected 10 (12.5%), 1 (1.25%), and 26 (32.5%) were positive by PCR for Cryptosporidium, G. duodenalis, and E. bieneusi, respectively。美国白尾鹿的微孢子虫特异基因型以及隐孢子虫和贾第虫的感染情况。作者认为肠道寄生虫的传播和水资源关系很大,所以讨论了许多相关文献。



