38、February 14,1952

38、February 14,1952

作者: 四月不见 | 来源:发表于2022-01-26 11:33 被阅读0次
            MARKS & CO., Booksellers
             84, Charing Cross Road
                 London, W.C. 2
                            14th February, 1952
    Miss Helene Hanff
    14 East 95th Street
    New York 28, New York
    Dear Helene,
        I quite agree it is time we dropped the
    “Miss” when writing to you. I am not really
    so stand-offish as you may have been led to
    believe,  but  as copies of letters I have
    written to you go into the office files the
    formal address seemed more appropriate.
    But as this letter has nothing to do with
    books, there will be no copy.
        We are quite at a loss to know how you
    managed the nylons which appeared this noon
    as if by magic.  All I can tell you is that
    when I came back from lunch they were on my
    desk with a note reading:“From Helene Hanff.”
    No  one  seems  to  know  how or when they
    arrived.  The girls are very thrilled and I
    believe  they  are planning to write to you
        I am sorry to say that our friend Mr.
    George Martin who has been so ill for some
    time passed away in hospital last week.
    He  was  with  the  firm a great number of
    years, so with that loss and the King dying
    so  suddenly  as  well,  we  are  rather a
    mournful crowd at the moment.
        I don’t see how we can ever repay you
    for your many kind gifts. All I can say is,
    if  you  ever  decide  to make the trip to
    England, there will be a bed for you at 37
    Oakfield Court for as long as you care to
                  With best wishes from us all,
                  Frank Doel

    stand-offish 冷漠的;冷淡的;疏远的



          本文标题:38、February 14,1952
