
作者: 小羊作品 | 来源:发表于2019-01-06 02:08 被阅读0次




I bought the  the  Geography and English textbook of the Senior One, and beginning the planning of relearning  the Geography  and English courese of the  Senior High Shool in the  first  half of this  year .

The reason why I chose to take these two courses again is that English was my "favorite" in those days, and as time goes by, I have almost forgotten English. I wasn't too happy with the disappearance of my favorite, so I decided to restore it. Geography, however, was the worst course I had ever learned. It was a bit too late to make up for it after 30 years. But as the saying goes, "Better late than never." This late relearning lesson may fill in the regret that personal knowledge is "poor"!

Okay, "Don't talk gossip, get back to business"! Let the time go back 31 years, at this moment, I am a 15-year-old high school student!


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