vagary n.出乎意料的变化; 难以预测的转变;
in perspective 正确地看待(或判断);
"no" because what seemed so wild, irresponsible, and immoral in social behavior at the time can now be seen in perspective
gentility n.文雅; 彬彬有礼; 高贵的身份; 幽静古朴;
bustling adj.繁忙的; 熙熙攘攘的
catalytic agent 催化剂;触媒剂
precipitate v.使…突然降临; 加速(坏事的发生); 使突然陷入(某种状态);
adj.鲁莽的; 草率的; 仓促的;
n.沉淀物; 析出物;
obsolescent adj. 即将过时的;废退的
mores n.风俗习惯; 传统
fatigue n.疲劳; 劳累; 厌倦; (金属或木材的) 疲劳; v.使疲乏; 使劳累; 使(肌肉,器官)衰竭;
manifesto n.宣言;
reveller n.(醉酒) 狂欢者
stalemate n.(辩论或竞赛中出现的) 僵局,僵持局面; 僵局; 和棋; vt.使陷入僵局;
belligerent adj.好斗的; 寻衅的; 挑衅的; 参战的; 交战的; n.交战国; 交战团体;
magnolia n.木兰; 木兰树; 浅乳白色; 浅桃红色;
fracas n.(通常有好几个人的) 高声争吵,打斗
dissipated adj.放荡的; 耽于享乐的;
dissipate v.(使) 消散,消失; 驱散; 挥霍,浪费,消磨(时间、金钱等);
Fourth of July n.美国独立纪念日(纪念美国于1776年7月4日独立);
bombast n.华而不实的言辞; 大话;
To them, it was bitter to return to a home town virtually untouched by the conflict, where citizens still talked with the naive Fourth-of-July bombast they themselves had been guilty of two or three years earlier.
world-weariness 厌世
genteel adj.显得彬彬有礼的; 假斯文的; 上流社会的; 装体面的; 装出绅士派头的; 幽静的; 古朴单调的;
dubious adj.怀疑; 无把握; 拿不准; 可疑的; 不可信的; 靠不住的; 不诚实的; 不确定的; 不一定好的;
flout v.公然藐视,无视(法律等);
pulpit n.(教堂中的) 小讲坛;
flapper n.(20世纪20年代不受传统拘束的) 随意女郎;
avid adj.热衷的; 酷爱的; 渴望的; 渴求的;
susceptible adj.易受影响(或伤害等); 敏感; 过敏; 好动感情的; 感情丰富的; 善感的; 容许…的; 可能…的; 可以…的;
grandiose adj.华而不实的; 浮夸的; 不切实际的;
expatriation n.移居国外,脱离国籍;流放国外;
denominator n.分母;
common denominatorn.公分母; (想法、态度或经验的) 共同点
in no sense 一点也不; 决不; 绝不;
stun v.使昏迷; (尤指) 打昏; 使震惊(或惊愕、目瞪口呆); 给(某人)以深刻印象; 使深深感动;
uproot v.将…连根拔起; (使)离开家园(或熟悉的地方等)
be written off as 被记作。。。
A decade that produced, in addition to the writers listed above, such figures as Eugene O'Neill, Edna St. Vincent Millay, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen Vincent Benet, Hart Crane, Thomas Wolfe, and innumerable others could never be written off as sterile, even by itself in a moment of self-pity.
iconoclastic adj. 打破旧习的;偶像破坏的