原来从古到今,年龄大一点的人都喜欢叫年轻人起床啊!sleep well my friend.
Part 1 关于The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea ...
The old man and the sea
Books: 'The Old Man and the Sea” and 'The Outsiders' 'The...
Good luck old man. 看到这里,多少有些激动。即将出海,老人带着自己的全部,踏上了未知的征途。go...
今天没心情读太久。因为一场宫斗戏即将上演。old man对boy说到,年龄就是我的闹钟,道出了多少心酸。没错,一个...
The Old and The Sea A man can be destroyed, but not defea...
The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel written by the A...
Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of...
1/5 1-15 老人已经等了84天了,只为了一条大鱼。身边的人都嘲笑他,但他内心的信仰和自信始终没有变。幸运的是...
本文标题:读书记录5(The old man and the sea)