Measuring Transportation Accessi

Measuring Transportation Accessi

作者: 仍在江湖1998 | 来源:发表于2019-01-24 13:58 被阅读0次

Measuring Transportation Accessibility


How transportation is defined and measured can affect which solutions are considered best.A particular policy or project may appear worthwhile when transportation system performance is measured in one way,but undesirable when it is measured another way.


Conventional transportation often reflects the assumption that transportation means motor vehicle traffic.From this perspective,anything that increases motor vehicle traffic speed and volume improves transportation,and anything that reduces motor vehicle traffic speed and volume must be harmful.


A more comprehensive approach reflects the assumption that transportation means personal mobility,measured in terms of person-trips and person-kilometers.From this perspective,strategies such as better transit services and rideshare programs may improve transportation without increasing total vehicle-kilometers。However,this approach still assumes that movement is an end in itself,rather than a means to an end,and that increased personal movement is always desirable。


The most comprehensive definition of transportation is Accessibility:the ability to reach desired goods,services and activities。This is the ultimate goal of transportation,and so is the best definition to use in transportation planning。It recognizes the value of more accessible land use patterns and Mobility substitutes such as telecommuting and delivery services,as ways to improve transportation while reducing total physical travel。


Many transportation projects improve Accessibility by some modes,but degrade it for others。For example,increasing roadway capacity and traffic speeds tends to improve Access by automobile,but reduces it by other modes such as walking,cycling,and transit。Only by defining transportation in terms of Accessibility can these trade-offs be considered in the planning process。


Vehicle traffic is relatively easy to measure,so the evaluation of transportation system quality tends to be based largely on automobile travel conditions(such as average traffic speeds,roadway level of service,vehicle congestion delay,vehicle operating costs,parking supply),while ignoring other Accessibility impacts,including impacts on transit service quality,nonmotorized transport,and land-use Accessibility。This tends to favor automobile-oriented solutions,and undervalues alternative solutions to transportation problems。




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