One man mystery
臧凤亭艺术展Exhibition notice:
一个人的奥秘 | 臧凤亭艺术个展
One man mystery/zang fengting art exhibition
泉国际空间 | 2019.10.15 / 周二15:00 开幕
Quan international space | 2019.10.15 / Mid-Autumn festival starts at 15:00
学术:畅泉 | 策展:苟熊
顾问:刘志锋 | 出品:谭念一(多多)
Academic: chang quan | curator: gou xiong
Consultant: liu zhifeng | production: tan nianyi (duo duo)
北京二十四桥传媒 | 泉国际艺术
Hosted by Beijing 24 bridge media | spring international art
Wolverine art space
臧凤亭 /当代艺术家,现创作居住北京与徐州。1963年生于江苏徐州, 1985年毕业于南京艺术学院 / 2018中国当代艺术家提名展(广州) ;2017江苏徐州首届当代艺术展 ;2016宋庄艺术家联展—生活在宋庄 2015多幅作品被收藏 ;2013徐州首届当代艺术家画展 ; 1985年版画赴日参加中日友好展并被收藏;1985年毕业作品 喊叫等四幅版画被留校收藏 悲观焦虑 浓烈的恐惧感是我作品里的表现, 但我却活的自由自在。
The exhibition shows the connection of the artist's tentacles, but also strips away the nihility of reality. With vigorous brush strokes, he created layers of texture that, though elusive, were all genuine childish interest and passion. He is a sincere and fearless romantic, with keen perception, after gradual scrutiny, finally achieved nirvana. Zang fengting's works are full of creative ideas, sharp and poetic. He is fragmented in pan-art, but mixed in the contemporary nature and turned into exquisite artistic energy. (curator: gou xiong)
The garden of Eden(1) ThegardenofEden(2) ThegardenofEden(3) ThegardenofEden(4) ThegardenofEden(5).