Discovery TMC and Me —— collectivism and individualism
5th June 2018
Discovery TMC is short for Discovery Toastmasters Club, located in Chengdu. I’ve been a member of Discovery TMC for nearly two years. Mentally and emotionally attached to Discovery, I regard Discovery TMC as my second home. No words can fully express my gratitude and devotion to Discovery TMC. Bit by bit, what has happened to me will be voiced.
Today I want to talk about collectivism and individualism, how Discovery TMC transformed me from a person in favor of individualism to one supporting collectivism.
Collectivism means that you believe a goal will only be achieved by a team and every member of the team will be rewarded a great many more than he endeavors alone. Individualism means that you don’t need to rely on others, you can amplify your fruition the most if you attempt alone.
I used to be a person instructed throughoutly by individualism. I have faith in I can be better if I stick to be on my own. At work, I preferred to be no part of any team, worrying that the members of the team may be a drag on me. I was sure that my income would be significantly lower if I work together with others. In toastmasters, I was even reluctant to mention which club I was from, afraid of being looked down upon and thus my club will be shamed.
In Discovery TMC, I was deeply impressed by the progress achieved by our members. Take Shawn as an example, I totally could not understand him when I heard his English speech in 2016. But now, Discovery TMC makes a humourous and confident host out of him. For instance, Eva’s previous CC5 was not so impressive. But tonight, I verged on crying when she talked about the ups and downs, and daring spirit when giving birth to her daughter. Shawn and Eva’s huge achievements derive from their own efforts as well as the instruction from club members. Discovery TMC makes us into a team, in which each of us gains more.
In Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, its mutually irrigated fountain engraved deeply on my mind. Discovery TMC is properly likened to such a fountain. One may be rich in content A, and gives away content A to team members. In return, he can get content B, C, D…… even X. Being generous doesn’t destitute you, on the contrary, it may more likely enrich you. This is what Discovery TMC renders me.