
作者: Jenna_King | 来源:发表于2018-03-27 07:57 被阅读0次

    When can I use the English language just like I speak Chinese which means not needing to think and also consider the words I choose whether they are correct or not.

    Because those ways may reduce your learning feeling and just make it more difficult and let you give up.

    What? Give up?


    Oh, then give up because learning is not easy and also you have to pay more attention and time on that.

    Otherwise you only spend the time to look at the surface and never through the core. It’s not a story and it’s the truth and also the reason why many people are still on the process of learning and never know where the ending is.


    Yes, that’s right and also there are people who say that interest is the best teacher and make you feel happy and relax when you are learning English but never a person telling you how to do it and find a way to change your thought on English.

    For me, I think the most reason is I always lie and cheat myself because I’m still ignorant of most words and I just tell myself and say, oh, it’s quite enough and no need to do more then, keeping it until now and I’m still not quite familiar with English.


    For instance, do you know and use the meaning of “got” well? And also do you know what’s the difference among “I got you” and ”I get you”, ”I understand you” or “I got you a little gift a while ago” etc. see, those are example usage of “got” and there are also many other meanings that I never mentioned yet.

    So my dear, would you really know each words you learned before and now and also, do you know how to use them in the right situation or just try to make them in the correct conversation?


    If not please stop and go back to see and ask why and what’s the real meaning and usage of it then you may simply know how interesting learning is and also may push you to learn and know more.




