library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity FSM is
port( clk,rst,input : in std_logic;
y : out integer range 0 to 4)
end entity;
architecture bhv of fsm is
type fsm_st is (s0,s1,s2,s3); --定义新的数据类型
signal cs :fsm_st; --说明部分(两句话),一般放在结构体的architecture和begin之间
p1:process(clk,rst) --clk,rst信号敏感进程(时序进程)
if rst='0' then cs<=s0; --异步复位信号
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then --FSM是以同步时序方式工作的
case cs is
when s0 => if input='0' then cs<=s0; else cs<=s1; end if;
when s1 => if input='0' then cs<=s1; else cs<=s2;end if;
when s2 => if input='0' then cs<=s2; else cs<=s3; end if;
when s3 => if input='0' then cs<=s3;else cs<=s0;end if;
end case;
end process;
p2:process(input,cs) --组合进程
case cs is
when s0=>if input='0' then y<=4; else y<='1';end if;
when s1=>if input='0' then y<=4; else y<='1'; end if;
when s2=>if input='0' then y<=4; else y<='1'; end if;
when s3=>if input='0' then y<=4; else y<='1'; end if;
end case;
end process;
end bhv;