Qualities Of A Great Leader

Qualities Of A Great Leader

作者: 会讲课的小松鼠 | 来源:发表于2020-11-22 13:51 被阅读0次

    When we ask about the qualities a great leader should possess, we must also take into consideration the situation and context. Hence, trying to pinpoint(准确指出) these qualities are highly difficult.When you take into consideration the personalities of the leaders and followers involved and the goals achieved, qualities that defines a great leader becomes even more difficult to define.However, let’s attempt at a list on qualities of a great leader.1. Discipline and Determination First and foremost, a great leader has a solid discipline and determination to see what they strive for will come true. A great leader has a fierce resolve on achieving goals and is very persistent in forging forward(稳步前进33). He is not afraid of hard work and the challenges that presents before him.2. Integrity A great leader gains trust and respect from his people through integrity and doing the right things by his people. He is principled and honest. Through his sincerity of saying wh



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