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[Quora] 为什么说小生意是赚钱的途径

[Quora] 为什么说小生意是赚钱的途径

作者: 源路 | 来源:发表于2015-03-02 21:12 被阅读288次


Why is small business the way to make money?


If making money is your only goal, then study hard, get lots of academic qualifications, play the corporate ladder game by sucking up politically to the appropriate powerful people at the appropriate times, take no financial risks and invest the excess money from your regular pay checks in property and watch your wealth rise over your 40 years of work as you trade your entire life for $.


Making money from a small business is hard ... very hard with 8 in 10 failing to make it to financial sustainability. See most small business people have limited financial resources and capacity to convert an idea into a sustainable venture. Even the small percentage that do succeed in the short term are soon confronted by business ending events like expiring lease terms, marketvolatility or competitor activities. So I would never recommend opening a small business for the sole purpose of making money.


To succeed in small business you need an entirely different set of motivators. You need to be motivated to build a business that makes meaning for your customers not just $ for yourself. Your small business should be built to do oneor more of the following:


1.  to solve a pressing problem/pain


2.  to satisfy a basic human need


3.  to increase the quality of someone’s life


4.  to change people’s lives for the better


5.  to right a terrible wrong


6.  to prevent the end of something good


If your small business can 'make meaning' and it has the right mix of available means including your passion to 'make it happen' (below):


... then with some sound management and decision making, it will make sustainable and significant money for you the owner.


In following this path you will also fulfil the highest human need of self-actualisation, you will build and hone your character, you will find meaning and purpose in your life, you will drink from the privileged chalice reserved for conquerors and you will make money from a willing, grateful and loyal customer base. This is what starting a small business does for the owners and it is worth far more than the equivalently money made by prostituting your life by the hour in satisfying other people's corporate ambitions.



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    本文标题:[Quora] 为什么说小生意是赚钱的途径
