旧金山总体规划(2)价值观 | 翻译

旧金山总体规划(2)价值观 | 翻译

作者: 布拉格向北 | 来源:发表于2019-02-28 13:54 被阅读24次



1. 保留和加强现有的社区零售业和服务业,加强这些企业的居民就业和所有权的未来机会;

2. 为了旧金山当地社区的文化多样性,保护现有住房和社区特色

3. 保障和增强经济适用房的供应;

4. 确保通勤不会妨碍市政交通,也不会让街道或停车场超载运行;

5. 保护城市工业和服务部门不至于因为开发商业办公楼而流离失所,维持多样化的经济基础,并加强这些部门未来的就业和产权机会;

6. 尽可能为地震伤亡作好准备。

7. 保护地标和历史建筑;

8. 公园和开放空间,以及它们的日照和景观通道都受保护,开发不得影响它们。

The manner in which the general goals are to be attained is set forth through a statement of objectives and policies in a series of elements, each one dealing with a particular topic, which applies citywide. The General Plan currently contains the following elements: Residence, Commerce and Industry, Recreation and Open Space, Community Facilities, Transportation, Community Safety, Environmental Protection, Urban Design and Arts. In addition, a Land Use Index cross-references the policies related to land use located throughout the General Plan. Additional elements may be added from time to time.


The Plan also contains several area plans which cover their respective geographic areas of the city. Here the more general policies in the General Plan elements are made more precise as they relate to specific parts of the city.


In addition to the elements, area plans and the land use index comprising the complete General Plan, there are several documents which support the plan. These include background papers, technical reports, proposals for citizen review, environmental impact reports or negative declarations, program documents, and design guidelines. Program documents provide schedules and programs for the short range implementation of the General Plan.




      本文标题:旧金山总体规划(2)价值观 | 翻译
