作者: 2018827 | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 11:59 被阅读0次

    《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十六集

    □《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十六集Desperate Housewives S01E16

    □《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on Desperate


    □梅茜Hi, Maisy.

    □你在跟我的丈夫暗渡陈仓吗Are you having an affair with my


    □情妇浮出水面Mistresses were confronted.

    □回家真好Very good to be back

    □那是什么What's that?

    □我被软禁在家里  这是保释条件I'm on house arrest. It's a

      condition of my bail

    □那你怎么去上班How are you gonna work?

    □我不能上班  我什么都做不了I can't. I can't do anything.

    □局势骤转The tables were turned.

    □天哪  那是安吉拉Good lord, that's Angela.

    □过去的秘密And secrets from the past...

    □恐怕你弄错了  我妻子叫玛丽·艾莉丝I'm afraid you're mistaken. My

      wife's name was Mary alice.

    □昭然于天下...caught up with everyone.

    □我真是个白痴  你这个骗子I'm such an idiot! You're such a


    □显然还是个凶手Oh, and apparently, a killer

    □即便是在风气最好的社区Throughout even the most

      respectable of neighborhoods,

    □你也能听到不和谐的声音you can hear the sound of


    □有些丑闻是大声嚷嚷出来的Some scandals announce themselves with a shout.

    □艾达  艾达·格林伯格 

      那不是你的报纸Ida? Ida Greenberg, that is not

      your paper.

    □有些是悄声细语出来的Some with a whisper.

    □加20块  我就帮你接上免费成人频道Throw me a 20, and I'll hook you

      up with free porn.

    □有些是随枪声而来的And some with a bang.

    □滚出我的草坪Get the hell off my lawn!


    □然而  偶尔And once in great while,

    □它们肮脏却又动听无比there comes a scandal so

      deliciously sordid,

    □以至于盖过一切声响its roar drowns out all other


    □你丈夫知道Does your husband have any idea

    □有多少男人付钱上这张床吗how many men pay to sleep in

      this bed?

    □除非我很尽职There's not a lot of sleeping

      going on.

    □不然也不会很多Not if I'm doing my job right.

    □你想怎么开始So, how do you wanna get started?

    □用这个With these.

    □那可需要附加费用Well! That's gonna cost you


    □梅茜·吉本斯  你因卖淫被捕了Maisy Gibbons, you're under

      arrest for solicitation.

    □什么  请把双手放在床上What? Please place your hands on

      the bed.

    □不好意思  我要你马上离开I'm sorry I'm I'm gonna have to

      ask you to leave. Now.

    □放开我Hey! Get off me!

    □这是陷害  你们会铸成大错的This is entrapment. You all are making a gigantic mistake.

    □是啊  伙计 

      你可以写进笔录里Yeah, yeah. Hey, fellas, here's

      one for your memoirs.

    □不  别碰我 

      把手拿开No! No, don't you touch me!

      You... Get your hands off me!

    □放松点  吉本斯夫人Take it easy, Mrs Gibbons.

    □没错  梅茜·吉本斯被捕的丑闻Yes, the scandalous arrest of

      Maisy Gibbons

    □好似一声惊雷  很快就响彻世界了would soon prove to be the shot

      heard round the world.

    □你们居然敢把我弄进来Don't you put me in here.

    □人们总说好事传千里It is often said that good news travels fast.

    □不过每个主妇都清楚But as every housewife knows,

    □坏事传万里bad news moves quite a bit


    □蒂什  你绝对不会相信这个Tish? You are not going to

      believe this.

    □梅茜·吉本斯被捕了Maisy Gibbons was arrested.

    □你开玩笑吧  听说梅茜的事了吗You cannot be serious! Did you

      hear about Maisy?

    □梅茜·吉本斯被铐着手铐带走了Maisy Gibbons running in


    □我居然没亲眼看到I'd have killed to see that!

    □待在这  我马上回来Stay put. I'll be right back.

    □女士们  冷静点 

      这只是个预警Ladies, please calm down. This

      is just a precaution.

    □请看一下传单If you'll just take a flyer.

    □发生了什么事Hey, guys. What's going on?

    □这里爆发了头虱There's been an outbreak of head


    □头虱Head lice?

    □针对实际情况These flyers detail all the important information,

    □传单里详细列出了注意事项concerning the situation,

    □包括推荐的灭虱梳子including the recommended

      delousing combs.

    □灭虱  听起来好恶心Delousing. It sounds so


    □知道谁是传染源吗Anybody know where it started?

    □很抱歉  那是保密信息I'm sorry. That's confidential


    □巴克利学院遵循无归咎原则Barcliff maintains a strict

      noblame policy.

    □孩子们  这边Guys, over here.

    □我认为父母们有权利知道I think parents have a right to


    □是谁把这东西传进了学校who brought this into our


    □夫人  请冷静 

      我们认为Please calm down, ma'am. Our

      position is that

    □在这个时候指责是无济于事的there's nothing to be gained by

      pointing fingers.

    □找出那个引发头虱的孩子To identify the child who

      initiated the outbreak

    □只会让他或她变成别人的笑柄might result in him or her being

      subjected to ridicule.

    □我先失陪了I, um... Excuse me.

    □请看一下传单  别抓了If you'll just take a flyer...

      Stop scratching.

    □停下来  孩子们 

      我们回家吧Stop it. Guys, let's go, ok?

    □别挠了  停下 

      停下Stop scratching. Stop, stop...

    □再见  拜拜Hey. See you later. Bye.

    □搞什么鬼What the hell...?

    □加布丽尔  什么Gabrielle! What?

    □加布丽尔  我们有麻烦了Gabrielle. We got a problem here.

    □我听不清I can't hear you.

    □我说我们有麻烦了  水泛出来啦I said, I think we got a

      problem. The water's backing up here.


    □这是污水吗Is that sewage?

    □好吧  的确是污水Yeah, that's sewage.

    □麦克  别卖关子了So, uh, Mike, the suspense is

      killing us.

    □赶快告诉我们坏消息是什么吧Why don't you just tell us the bad news?

    □你们的水管全腐烂了Well, your outtake pipe's

      completely corroded.

    □所以导致污水泛上来That's why it collapsed.

    □得把它们都拆掉然后重装管道系统I'm going to have to tear it out

      and repipe the whole system.

    □那要花多少钱And how much is this gonna cost?

    □我只收你们成本价I'll do the job for you at cost,

    □可你们还是要准备至少6到7千块but you're still looking at 6, 7

      grand, minimum.

    □好的  我们商量下再告诉你Ok, we'll let you know.

    □如果是钱的问题Look, um... If money's an


    □不不  不是 

      跟钱无关Oh, no. No, no, no. It's not the


    □是因为  卡洛斯和我要排一下It's just, uh, Carlos and I are

      trying to prioritize

    □修整这所房子的顺序some little things we need to do

      around the house.

    □没问题  但你们不觉得All right and, uh, you don't


    □污水逆流问题应该列在首位吗sewage backing up in the house a


    □我们肯定会优先考虑它的It's definitely on the short list.

    □你打电话给我的时候我有点吃惊I'm kind of surprised you called


    □为什么  自从我被放出来后Why? Well, um, ever since my


    □大家似乎都不愿跟我扯上关系nobody around here seems to want

      to have much to do with me.

    □被证实有罪前都是无辜的  朋友Innocent until proven guilty, my


    □我希望他比你无辜点Hope he's more innocent than you


    □我是勒奈特Hey, it's Lynette.

    □我知道你还在为麦克的事难过I know you're down about this Mike thing,

    □但你一定要来玩扑克  不会让你失望的but you gotta come to poker.

      It'll be worth it.

    □我有梅茜·吉本斯的八卦I got dirt on Maisy Gibbons.

    □苏珊  是我Hey, Susan, it's me.

    □我真的很希望你能给我回电Look, I really wish you'd return

      my calls

    □我们得谈谈  我知道我搞砸了...We need to talk. I know I messed


    □你还好吗You ok?

    □如果你需要的话我可以在家陪你You know I can stay home if you want.

    □不  不用了 

      我知道你有多期盼No, no, no. Now, I know how much

    □这个周末能和你父亲共渡you were looking forward to this

      weekend with your dad.

    □我没事I'm fine.

    □你看起来可不好  就是有点难过You don't look fine. Well, a

      little sad.

    □麦克和我才刚刚有点感觉Mike and I were just a fling.

    □就是有那么一点  都算不上真正的感觉Not even a full fling. Sort of a

      borderline fling.

    □妈妈  谁都能看出来你有多爱他Mom, anyone can see how much you loved him.

    □我也曾爱过垃圾食品Well, I also loved junk food,

    □可我戒了  然后活下来了and I gave that up, and I


    □你爸爸来了  去吧 

      玩得开心There's your father. Go have


    □最后一次  确定不用我陪你Last chance. You sure?

    □我确定  走吧I'm sure. Now, go.

    □你还会遇上其他人的  妈妈You'll find someone else, mom.

    □很棒的人Someone great.

    □我知道I know it.

    □怎么了  雷克斯What's wrong, Rex?

    □跟华莱士医生打高尔夫不尽兴吗Didn't you enjoy your golf game

      with Dr. Wallace?

    □我没打  可还是觉得浑身乏力I didn't play. I'm still feeling


    □真的吗  你告诉他这个情况了吗Still? Did you talk to him about


    □当然  他也不知道为什么药没起作用Of course. He doesn't know why

      the medication isn't working,

    □他想让我明天去做个检查and he wants me to come in for a checkup tomorrow.

    □我看到蒂什在那转来转去I can see that Tish is making

      the rounds.

    □她一定有什么精彩的趣闻She must have some juicy


    □那叫她过来  我今天就有乐子了Yeah, get her over here. I could

      use a funny story today.

    □蒂什  蒂什Tish! Tish!

    □看你的表情我就知道你一定有什么乐事Oh, I can tell by that look on

      your face you've got something good.

    □说吧  独乐乐不如众乐乐Now come on, don't be selfish.

    □好吧  不过先问一下Well, first off,

    □你不是梅茜·吉本斯的朋友吧you're not friends with Maisy

      Gibbons, are you?

    □不是  谢天谢地 

      因为这实在很劲爆No. Thank god, because this is

      too good.

    □梅茜被抓起来了Maisy was arrested.

    □哈罗德上班的时候While Harold was at work,

    □她就家里卖春赚钱she was having sex with men in

      her house for money

    □你能想象吗Can you imagine?

    □不  难以想象No. I can't.

    □不过最精彩的是And that's not even the best


    □听说她有个小黑本word is she had a little black


    □上面记着她所有客户的名字with all her clients' names

    □你觉得那会泄露出来吗So, uh... you think that'll get


    □当然啦  事情总是会这样的Of course. These things always


    □南希  等等 

      我等不及要告诉你了Nancy, wait up. I can't wait to

      tell you this.

    □雷克斯  听到你自己的乐子了Well, you heard your funny story, Rex.

    □你怎么不笑呢Why aren't you laughing?

    □我去接I go get it.

    □你好  塔米 

      是的Hello? Hi, Tammy. Yeah...

    □我们能看看虱子吗Can we see one of the bugs?

    □行啊  这儿 

      看到没Yeah, here. See?

    □就是这个白色的小东西  它看起来It's this little white thing.

      Look...It looks like aw, jeez

    □就像粒芝麻It looks like a sesame seed

    □好酷  可不是 

      你们头上还有一大堆That's cool. Yeah, well, there's

      lots more where that came from.

    □不  我很遗憾 

      他一定很失望No, I'm so sorry. Uh, He must be

      so disappointed

    □不过  等托弗痊愈之后But, look, we'll get all the

      boys together

    □我们会再让男孩们聚聚的once Topher's back on his feet.

    □拜拜  塔米怎么了Bye. What'd Tammy want?

    □她取消了周日托弗的生日会She's canceling Topher's

      birthday party on Sunday.

    □他出麻疹了He's come down with the measles, so...

    □麻疹Measles, huh?



    □塔米·布伦南为托弗的生日会Tammy Brennan spent a fortune

    □花了一大笔钱on Topher's party.

    □如果因为麻疹要取消派对She'd call in specialists from


    □她甚至愿意从瑞士请专家过来before she'd let it be canceled.

    □好吧  那塔米为什么要骗我们Okay. Why would Tammy lie to us?

    □因为她在学校看到波特抓头挠痒Because she saw Porter

      scratching his head at schools.

    □他们都看见了  所以一定传遍了They all did, and now word's

      getting around.

    □为什么你看每件事都是阴谋论呢Why is everything a conspiracy

      theory with you?

    □很多孩子都生头虱  这没啥大不了Lots of kids get lice. They're

      not that big a deal

    □拜巴克利学院那些富婆们所赐Well, it is for the rich bitchs

      at Barcliff academy.


      孩子们就被生日会拒之门外It's been one day, and they've been disinvited to a birthday


    □如果谣言继续满天飞If rumors start flying,

    □我们的儿子就得跟野营和泳池派对吻别了these boys can kiss campouts and

      pool parties goodbye.

    □没错  现在不酷了吧Yeah, not so cool now, huh?

    □都在这了  评估报告It's all here. Appraisal,

    □所有权审查  还有地契文件title search, and escrow


    □抱歉我改了主意Sorry about changing my mind

    □不过现在不适合卖房子because it's just not a good time to sell the house.

    □扎克经受了太多事  想读完高中再搬家Zach went through a lot, he

      wants to finish high school before moving.

    □没事  做生意嘛Forget it, it's part of the


    □失败在我意料之中I expect to get screwed over.

    □你房子的钥匙呢Now, where is your house key?

    □肯定是放家里了  我晚上拿过来Oh, I must have left it at home.

      I'll bring it by tonight.

    □家里没人No one will be here.

    □扎克去参加学校旅行了Zach's away on a school trip,

    □我要去芒特普莱森特[密歇根州]出差and I'm going to Mount Pleasant

      on business today.

    □明天拿来吧  要不我留着Just, uh, drop it by tomorrow.

      Or I could just keep it.


    □开玩笑的  我知道老婆去世你很难过It's a joke Paul. I know your

      wife's dead and all,

    □可都已经过去六个月了  开心点but it's been six months.

      Lighten up.

    □你们好  费莉西娅Hello! Felicia.

    □好啊  费莉西娅Oh. Hi, Felicia.

    □伊迪  我在妹妹的遗物里找到这个Edie, I found this in my

      sister's things.

    □上面有你的名字It has your name on it.

    □我的项链Oh, my necklace!

    □三个月前我把这个借给了玛莎Oh, you know, I lent this to

      Martha three months ago.

    □她说掉进下水道里了And she said that it went down

      the drain.

    □真怀念我们偷彼此东西的日子Oh, I miss how we used to steal

      things from one another.


      我听说杀害你妹妹的人So, Felicia, I heard they have a suspect

    □警方已经有怀疑对象了in your sister's murder.

    □麦克·德尔菲诺  不是他干的Mike Delfino? Oh, he didn't kill


    □他们在他的车库里找到了玛莎的首饰They found her jewelry in his


    □可是上面没有他的指纹But his fingerprints weren't on

      any of it.

    □他肯定戴手套了That just means he wore gloves.

    □他谨慎到知道要戴手套So, he's smart enough to use


    □却把带血的首饰随处乱扔but he leaves her bloodspattered jewelry lying around

    □等着别人发现for anyone to find?

    □换做是你杀了人  你会这样吗Please. Is that what you'd do if

      you killed someone?

    □我不知道杀人犯是怎么想的I don't know what goes through

      the mind of a murderer.

    □我只觉得如果我是你  绝不会相信他I'm just saying I wouldn't trust

      him if I were you.

    □伊迪  项链真漂亮Edie, that is lovely.

    □是古董吗  应该是吧Is it an antique? Yeah. I think


    □有一家店你肯定会喜欢I know a store you would love.

    □是专卖古董首饰的It specializes in antique


    □在盐湖城[犹他州北部]It's in Salt Lake City.

    □你去过盐湖城吗Have you ever been to Salt Lake


    □没  我尽量离犹他州远点No. I try to steer clear of


    □那地方对我来说太保守了It's a little too conservative

      for me.

    □真可惜  你去过吗 

      保罗Too bad. Have you ever been,



    □那很美  我做护士的时候在那住过It's lovely. I used to live

      there when I was a nurse.

    □你有时间真应该去去You should definitely go some



    □家里排水系统崩坏With no indoor plumbing,

    □加布丽尔在个人卫生方面Gabrielle was now forced to


    □不得不凑合着点when it came to her personal


    □无论何时何地  抓住任何机会wherever and whenever she had the opportunity.

    □抱歉  没关系Sorry. That's ok.

    □我正要给你们讲梅茜·吉本斯的最新进展I was just about to give a Maisy

      Gibbons update.

    □姐妹们  我们应该为自己Guys, we should be ashamed of


    □揭别人的伤口感到羞愧for reveling in that woman's


    □假大空到此为止  伊迪继续讲吧That being said, Edie, please


    □据可靠消息I hear from a very reliable


    □梅茜和检控方达成了协议that Maisy's gonna cut a deal with the prosecution.

    □显然她有些很高端的客户Apparently, she has some

      highprofile Johns

    □而检察院还想把这案子更进一步and the DA's looking for a

      second term.

    □我想不通  谁会去花钱和梅茜睡觉I don't get it. I don't get who

      would pay Maisy for sex.

    □肯定是在家得不到满足的男人Obviously someone who's not

      getting it at home.

    □结果就是  梅茜打算So, the upshot is, Maisy is


    □把她的小黑本交上去to turn over her little black


    □那上面记着她所有客户的名字with all of her clients' names.


    □想想一旦名单公之于众会怎样Can you imagine the fallout when

      this goes public?

    □势必掀起血雨腥风啊Ooh, blood on the walls.

    □我全押了  我跟I'm all in. I'll call.


    □刚刚怎么了  赌注提高了Uh... What just happened? The

      stakes were raised.

    □是啊  没错Yes. Yes, they were.

    □我不跟I fold.

    □你今天牌运不错I can't believe how lucky you

      were today.

    □跟运气无关Luck had nothing to do with it.

    □我牌很烂  但我一直在虚张声势I had crappy cards, I was

      bluffing the entire time.

    □是吗  你真有一手Really? Wow. You're good.

    □这是我第一任丈夫唯一可取之处That's the only nice thing I can

      say about my first husband.

    □他教会我虚张声势  他也玩扑克He taught me how to bluff. He played poker?

    □不是  他床上功夫很差No. He was lousy in bed.

    □我经常得假装高潮I had to fake a lot of orgasms.

    □你不必接话  谢谢You don't have to respond. Thank


    □苏珊今天怎么没来So, uh... Where was Susan today?

    □我不是很清楚Uh... I'm not sure.

    □汤姆床上功夫一定很好Wow. Tom must be great in bed.

    □显然  你完全不会虚张声势Obviously, you have no idea how to bluff.

    □好吧  她最近诸事不顺Ok, she's going through


    □我觉得她想一个人静静and I'm sure she'd prefer it to

      be private.

    □她在为麦克伤神  对吧She's upset with Mike, isn't


    □你就说吧  我迟早会知道的Well, come on. I'm gonna find

      out sooner or later.

    □分手后她情绪很低落She's devastated about the


    □好几天没出门了and she hasn't left the house in


    □你刚刚怎么不告诉我Well, why didn't you just tell me that?

    □因为这是她的私事Because it's personal

    □这种事她只会对朋友讲It's the kind of thing she would

      only tell her friends.

    □我是苏珊的朋友啊I'm Susan's friend.

    □我并不讨厌她Well, I don't hate her.

    □如果想要我给你爆更多的料If you want me to share stuff

      with you

    □你得更加真心实意地支持苏珊you're going to have to start

      being more supportive of Susan.

    □行啊  怎么支持Ok. How?

    □朋友之间都会做什么呢What do friends do?

    □打个电话  表示同情They call. They're sympathetic.

    □询问对方正经受的困难They ask about the pain the

      other person is going through

    □并且耐心倾听and then they listen.

    □那如果你确实想支持别人What if you want to be


    □可那些抱怨你实在无法忍受怎么办but you just can't stand

      listening to people bitch?

    □虚张声势会是个妙招Then it's good to know how to bluff.

    □恭喜  谢谢 

      谢谢Congratulations. Thank you,

      thank you.

    □是啊  我很激动I know, it's very exciting.

    □谢谢Thank you.

    □我真觉得你应该得这个奖You know, I really think you do

      deserve this award...

    □我又要上厕所了God, I have to go to the

      bathroom again.

    □去布里家  我去过她家两次了Go to Bree's. I've been to

      Bree's twice today.

    □那就去苏珊家  我不喜欢她家Then go to Susan's. I hate Susan's.

    □她家里放着味道古怪的蜡烛She has all these weird scented


    □整栋房子都散发着一股杏子味Her house reeks of apricot.


    □勒奈特家呢How about Lynette's?

    □你没明白No, you don't understand.

    □我不想再去任何人家里了I don't want to go to anybody's

      house anymore.

    □我厌倦去别人家敲门  编借口I'm tired of knocking on doorsand making up excuses

    □解释我们为什么还没修好下水道as to why we haven't fixed our


    □你干吗朝我大吼大叫Why are you yelling at me?

    □因为这全是你的错Because it's your fault.

    □我的错My fault?

    □是啊  如果你没有被指控Yes. If you hadn't gotten

      yourself indicted,

    □我们现在肯定买得起水管we would have pipes right now.

    □我被指控是因为想挣足够的钱让你开心I got indicted trying to make enough money to keep you happy.

    □提醒你一下  你对物质要求很高In case you hadn't noticed,

      you're a little materialistic

    □我对物质要求高Oh, I'm materialistic?

    □詹森家换宝马新7系的时候When the Johnsons bought their

      new 7series,

    □是你马上跑过去you were the one who went right


    □用更值钱的东西换了那辆车and traded in his car for

      something better

    □那车后来又是谁在开呢Who ended up driving it?

    □我现在没时间跟你吵You know what? I don't have time to fight right now.

    □我还要洗衣服I have laundry to do.

    □艾比盖护士Nurse Abigail?

    □斯加沃太太对吧  双胞胎的妈妈Mrs. Scavo, right? The twins'


    □我就是想来告诉你Yeah. I just wanted to tell you

    □我儿子头上已经没有虱子了that the boys are now licefree.

    □那就好Good to hear.

    □我还是不明白为什么会生头虱I just can't figure out how it happened.

    □他们每天晚上都洗澡  相信我They get a bath every night.

      Trust me.

    □这15分钟是一天中最难熬的It's the ugliest 15 minutes of

      the day.

    □我信I believe you.

    □我一直在想会不会是上周I keep thinking that maybe it

      was the

    □带他们去宠物动物园时染上的petting zoo that I took them to

      last week.

    □那只美洲驼确实很诡异That llama was really iffy.

    □斯加沃太太  不是这样的Mrs. Scavo, it doesn't work that way.

    □虱子只在人与人之间传染Lice only spreads from human to


    □就是世界上最干净的孩子Even the cleanest kid in the

      world can get it

    □也可能被其他孩子传染if he gets too close to the

      wrong kid.

    □是吗  是的Really? Yes.

    □所以别太责怪自己了  只能这样So don't be so hard on yourself.

      I guess.

    □不过我还是有点愧疚Still, I can't help but feel a

      little guilty.

    □毕竟是我的孩子引起了这次头虱大爆发After all, my kids started an entire lice outbreak.

    □其实  不是你孩子引起的Look, your, uh... your kids

      didn't start it.

    □不是他们They didn't?

    □是啊  我知道传染源是另一个男孩No. I know for a fact that

      patient zero was another little boy.

    □这已经是他第四次染上这个了This is his fourth time with

      this particular problem.

    □我心头的大石总算落地了That's a load off my mind.

    □谢谢你Well, thank you.

    □那是哪个孩子呢  我不能告诉你So which kid is it? I can't tell you.

    □你知道我们有无归咎条例You know we have a noblame


    □我们得保护孩子  你懂的We have to protect the children.

      You understand.

    □当然Of course.

    □我不懂  你一定要告诉我那是谁No, I don't. You're gonna have

      to give me a name.

    □斯加沃太太  是这样的Mrs. Scavo... Here's the thing.

    □家长们向来护短Acting like parents won't assign


    □所以总是推卸责任is like pretending they don't keep score at pee wee league games.

    □这是人的天性It's human nature.

    □如果你不交出一个罪魁祸首If you don't give the mob

      someone to blame,

    □他们就会随便找个背黑锅的they'll pick a scapegoat.

    □我不能让我的孩子来背这个黑锅I can't let my boys be the


    □请别让我为难  我求你了Don't put me in this position.

      I'm begging you.

    □他们已经被一个聚会除名了They've been uninvited from a


    □一个非常盛大的生日聚会A really big birthday party,

    □有蹦蹦屋  热狗摊 

      还有小丑with a bouncy house, a hotdog

      stand and a clown.

    □我很希望能帮上忙I wish I could help you.

    □拜托了  还会有魔术师For god's sake, there's gonna be

      a magician!

    □塔米·布伦南下了血本Tammy Brennan went all out.

    □塔米·布伦南  托弗的妈妈Tammy Brennan? Topher's mother?


    □真有意思  请坐吧Well, isn't that interesting? Have a seat.

    □与此同时  在美景镇当地监狱Meanwhile, at the Fairview

      county prison,

    □梅茜·吉本斯欣喜地发现Maisy Gibbons was delighted to

      find out

    □她有一位访客she had a visitor.

    □但她很快想起But she was soon reminded,

    □对于提着点心篮的访客one should always beware of


    □要格外警惕bearing gift baskets.

    □不是开玩笑吧You've gotta be kidding me.

    □你好  梅茜Hello, Maisy.


    □我爱死你这种小聪明了Stuff like this is why I love


    □你来这有何贵干So, what brings you here?

    □我想请你帮忙I need a favor.

    □我猜到了I thought as much.

    □我听说  有一本小黑册子I heard that there's a little black book

    □上面记着你的客户名单with the name of your clients in


    □没错There is.

    □我想知道I was wondering if, perhaps,

    □你能不能把雷克斯的名字从中去掉you could remove Rex's name from

      that little book?

    □这可是个大忙Wow. That's a big favor.

    □那些松饼最好美味至极Those muffins'd better be really


    □我自己存了些钱  应急用的I have some money that I've been putting aside for emergencies.

    □都可以给你  只要你...It can be all yours, if you


    □守口如瓶Keep my mouth shut?

    □并且一直保密下去Continue to be discreet.

    □天哪  我不确定Gosh, I don't know.

    □我觉得这并不难办I don't think it's asking that


    □你只需要划掉一个名字而已All you need to do is remove one

      little name.

    □但如果我为你这么做了But if I do it for you,

    □那我还得为其他妻子们这么做then I have to do it for all the

      other wives.

    □那就不公平了  不是吗That wouldn't be fair, now,

      would it?

    □梅茜  求你 

      我们过去一直是好朋友Maisy, please. I mean, we used

      to be good friends.

    □一年前哈罗德失业的时候  你在哪Where were you when Harold lost

      his job a year ago, huh?

    □你是否伸出过援手Did you stop by to see if there

      was anything you could do?

    □当你知道我们付不起账单时Did you bring a basket of baked


    □是否送过一篮点心when you knew we couldn't even pay our bills?

    □如果是  那些象征友谊的举动If you did, those displays of


    □我怎么都不记得seem to have slipped my mind.

    □梅茜  当你经济有困难的时候Maisy, I didn't mention it when

      you were

    □我没那么做是因为...having financial troubles


    □我觉得那样做  会让你尴尬I thought it would embarrass


    □我是会尴尬Yes, I would've been


    □但那至少比充耳不闻要强得多But it would have been a whole lot better than the silence.

    □我账户里有1万4美金  可以全给你I have $14,000 in that account.

      It can all be yours.

    □我没兴趣I'm not interested.

    □但有一点  值得肯定But you do get credit for one


    □你好歹来看我了You came to visit me,

    □即使动机不纯even if it was for an ulterior


    □俱乐部里的其他女孩没一个来过None of the other girls from the

      club bothered.

    □我已经被遗忘了I've been abandoned.

    □估计是从我成为众人皆知的妓女起Guess that's what happens when

      you become the town whore.

    □亲爱的  她们疏远你Oh, sweetie, they didn't abandon


    □不是因为你是妓女because you're a whore.

    □她们疏远你  是因为They abandoned you because you

    □你从一开始就不好相处weren't all that nice to begin


    □谁啊  伊迪Who is it? It's Edie.

    □伊迪  现在不行  我忙着呢Edie, not now. I'm kind of busy.

    □还是进来吧Or just come on in.

    □你在做什么What are you doing?

    □我发现我的人生太过错综复杂I decided that my life is way

      too complicated.

    □所以我要简化它And so I'm simplifying.

    □我在清理杂物I am getting rid of the clutter.

    □我当时在度假  那时戴挺合适的I was on vacation. Made sense at

      the time.

    □我无意冒犯  你来有什么事吗Ok, not to be rude, but is there a reason you're here?

    □关于你和麦克的事  我很遗憾Look... I feel badly about what

      you're going through with Mike.

    □别担心  我不会跟他约会的Don't worry, I'm not gonna date


    □这已经无所谓了It doesn't matter anymore.

    □别误会Well, don't get me wrong.

    □我还是非常渴望跟他发生关系的I still have every intention of

      sleeping with him.

    □没有过不去的坎嘛Some mountains are just meant to

      be climbed.

    □看来我得把门锁好了I gotta learn to keep my doors locked.

    □你在这儿坐了多久了How long have you been sitting


    □不知道  五分钟到三小时左右I don't know. Five minutes, give

      or take three hours?

    □够了  起来 

      换衣服That's it. Get up. Get dressed.

    □为什么  因为你要跟我走Why? Because you're coming with


    □该出去潇洒一下了It's time to get wasted.

    □快乐时光45分钟前就开始了Happy hour started 45 minutes


    □我为什么要跟你出去Why would I go anywhere with you?

    □这是寻常女人们难过时会做的事That's what normal women do when

      they get depressed.

    □穿上短裙  和姐妹一起去酒吧They put on short skirts, they

      go to bars with their girlfriends,

    □喝得烂醉  再随便找个男人maybe have one too many and then

      make out with a strange man

    □在阴暗的巷子里乱搞一通in the back of a dark alley.

    □走吧  会很好玩的Come on. It'll be fun.

    □我发誓  走吧I swear. Come on.

    □来吧  你干嘛这么关心我Come on! Why do you even care?

    □我从没说过我关心I never said I cared.

    □只是...It's just...

    □我想  我知道心被践踏Well, I guess I know what it's


    □是什么感觉to have your heart stomped on.

    □好吧  等我一会Ok. All right. Gimme a minute.

    □我去换衣服I'll go change my clothes.

    □别忘了打理一下乱糟糟的头发And don't forget to do something with that skanky hair.

    □看起来有点儿吓人You're a little scary looking.

    □他怎么样Ah! What about him?

    □不是我的菜Not my type.

    □找合适的确实难The pickin's are slim,

    □可这儿没一个能吸引你吗but isn't there someone here

      you're attracted to?

    □一个也不喜欢  瞧他们暗送秋波的样子I hate 'em all. Look at 'em just

      leering at us.

    □那么狂妄They're so cocky.

    □好像自己有多了不起Like they know they have the

      upper hand.

    □胡说什么呢  了不起的是我们What are you taliking about? We

      have the upper hand.

    □没有我们  他们一无所有Without us, they have nothing.

    □也许15年前是吧  时过境迁Maybe 15 years ago. Not anymore.

    □现在的我们  寂寞又绝望Now we're just lonely and


    □他们清楚得很  所以就坐在那And they know it. And they just

      sit there,

    □作好出击的准备ready to pounce,

    □等着我们去捡任何waiting for us to take any crumb

    □他们愿意施舍给我们的残羹they're willing to throw our


    □我不要残羹  我要麦克I don't want crumbs. I want


    □我得整晚陪着她Hi. Um, I'm gonna be spending

      the whole night with her,

    □所以我需要很多这样的酒so I'm gonna be needing a lot

      more of these.

    □抱歉  只是找个像麦克这样的人太难了I'm sorry. It's just so hard to

      find a guy like Mike.

    □我心里清楚  他没有杀胡博太太I know in my heart he didn't kill Mrs. Huber.

    □好吧  假设麦克是无辜的Ok. Let's say Mike's a peach.

    □他没杀玛莎  那是谁干的And he didn't kill Martha. Who


    □我不知道I don't know.

    □但肯定是个坏人Obviously, a bad guy.

    □非常可恶的家伙  就像...Somebody really awful. Somebody


    □就像保罗·杨那样的人Somebody like Paul Young.


    □你说真的吗  他一定有所隐瞒Are you serious? I'm telling

      you, he's hiding something.

    □每次我们想问他玛丽·艾莉丝的事He clams up every time we try to

    □他都避而不谈ask him about Mary Alice.

    □后来我们发现了丹娜的事And then when we found out about


    □丹娜是谁Who's Dana?

    □保罗和玛丽·艾莉丝有一个夭折的婴儿Paul and Mary Alice had a baby

      that died.

    □你开玩笑吧You're kidding.

    □扎克杀了她  荒唐 

      谁告诉你的Zach killed her. Wholy crap. Who

      told you that?

    □保罗  他说是一场意外Paul. He said it was an


    □在我看来  这就是玛丽·艾莉丝But I'm telling you, I think

      that's why Mary Alice

    □被勒索的原因was being blackmailed.

    □玛丽·艾莉丝被人勒索了  是啊Mary Alice was being

      blackmailed? Yeah.

    □我们在她的遗物里发现了恐吓信The girls and I found a

      threatening note in her stuff.

    □我们住的是什么鬼地方What the hell kind of street do we live on?

    □我不知道I don't know.

    □我突然想到  那天Come to think of it, the other


    □保罗在跟费莉西娅聊天Paul was talking to Felicia

    □他一直在试图and he was working overtime

    □把麦克说得很可疑trying to make Mike sound


    □瞧  把矛头转移到别人身上See? Shifting blame onto someone


    □这是典型的犯罪行为That's classic criminal behavior.

    □他肯定没安好心Oh, I'm telling you, he's up to

      no good.

    □扎克和保罗不在镇上Zach and Paul are out of town.

    □也许我们可以潜入他们家  一探虚实Maybe we should sneak into their

      house and do some snooping.

    □我有钥匙I have a key.

    □我的天  对啊 

      我们就这么干Oh, my god. Yes, we should do


    □我开开玩笑的Come on, I was just kidding.

    □不  伊迪  这是好机会No, Eddie. This is our chance.

    □我们进去10分就够了We should just go in for ten


    □苏珊  这可是擅闯民宅啊Susan, that's breaking and


    □玛莎·胡博是你最好的朋友Martha Huber was your best


    □如果我们能查出谁杀了她If we could find out who really

      killed her,

    □难道不值得为此冒险吗wouldn't that be worth the risk?

    □祝您有个美好的夜晚  谢谢Have a nice evening. Thank you.

    □塞丽娜  你好吗Serena, hi. How are you?

    □我今天跟华莱士博士谈过了I talked to Dr. Wallace today.

    □他也不知道为什么药物不起作用He still has no idea why the

      medication's not working.

    □他说要再做些检查He told me he's thinking of

      running more tests.

    □我告诉他  我要再听听其他人的意见I told him I'm thinking about

      getting a second opinion.

    □雷克斯  这可能听起来很蠢Rex, this might sound silly,

    □但大家是不是都在盯着我们but are people staring at us?

    □是啊  怎么回事Yeah. What's going on?

    □可能是我瞎猜Well, I could be wrong,

    □但我怀疑梅茜·吉本斯的客户名单but I suspect that Maisy

      Gibbons' client list

    □已经传出去了has been released.

    □你觉得他们在嘲笑我们吗You think they're laughing at


    □不  我觉得他们在嘲笑你No, I think they're laughing at


    □同时替我难过I think they feel sorry for me,


      我们该怎么办which is just as mortifying. What are we gonna do?

    □我们要装作什么都没发生We're gonna act like nothing is


    □等吃完饭And then when we've finished


    □我们挺胸抬头we're going to walk out of here

      with all

    □从这里走出去the dignity that we can muster.

    □拜托  我们现在就走吧Please. Let's go now.

    □不  我拒绝给他们这种满足感Oh, no, I refuse to give them

      this kind of satisfaction.

    □把菜单打开Open your menu.

    □大家都在看着呢  布里 

      太丢人了Everybody's staring. Bree, it's


    □你在给梅茜开个人支票前Well, you should've thought of


    □早该想到会这样before you left a personal check

      on Maisy's nightstand.

    □好吧  你想留下随你 

      我走了All right. You stay here if you

      want to. I'm leaving.

    □雷克斯  只要你一走出餐厅 

      我就大喊Rex! If you walk out of this

      restaurant, I will scream.

    □布里  我会大声说出你有多残忍Bree... I will scream about your


    □还有你的不忠I will scream about your infidelity.

    □然后为了让你难堪到底And then just to make sure it

      really hurts,

    □我会把你没品的性嗜好也大声说出来I will scream about your

      distasteful sexual habits.

    □如果你想知道什么是真正的耻辱You want to know what true

      humiliation is,

    □你就迈出一步试试you just take one step.

    □你想吃什么  小牛排看上去不错So, what are you having? The

      veal looks good.

    □我们到底要找什么So what are we looking for


    □一个写着"我杀了玛莎·胡博"的绣花枕头吗An embroidered pillow that says "I killed Martha


    □我不知道  凡是可疑的物品都行I don't know. Just something...


    □闻着像是高档酒Mmm. Smells expensive.

    □伊迪  你相信魔鬼吗Do you believe in evil, Edie?

    □当然  我可是做房地产的Of course I believe in evil. I

      work in real estate.

    □我没在说笑I'm serious.

    □这间屋子好阴冷  令人有点不寒而栗Something about this house

      that's just so cold and creepy.


      完全不是这样的You couldn't tell when Mary Alice was alive.

    □她给这里带来了太多光明和温暖She just brought so much warmth

      and light.

    □可现在  有些恐怖的东西Now there's something...

    □我都能尝出来  你没感觉到吗that I just taste it, can't you

      sense it?

    □我唯一感觉到的是The only thing I can sense is


    □你喝多了you've had too much to drink.

    □在这个屋子里发生的事情Something happened in this


    □太可怕了  简直难以想象something so awful we can't even imagine it.

    □真见鬼  你还好吧Ow! Son of a bitch! Are you ok?

    □[犹他记事  安吉拉的颁奖派对]

    □我撞到自己脚趾头了I just stubbed my toe.

    □天哪  是安吉拉Oh, my god! Angela.

    □玛丽·艾莉丝以前叫自己安吉拉Angela, that's what Mary Alice

      used to call herself.

    □你在说什么啊What are you talking about?

    □我们是在布里从她咨询师办公室We heard it on this tape

    □偷拿的录音磁带中听到的that Bree stole from her

      therapist's office.

    □说来话长  我慢点再告诉你It's a long story. I'll tell you


    □我们赶快把它放出来看看We gotta pop this in.

    □是谁  大概是保罗What was that? I think it's


    □你说过他不会回来的You said he was gonna be gone.

    □那就是我弄错了Well, I guess I was wrong.

    □快点  我在拿录像带Hurry! I gotta get the tape.



    □伊迪  老天 

      你吓到我了Eddie! God, you scared me.

    □对不起I'm sorry.

    □看来你刚从芒特普莱森特回来I see that you, uh, made it back

      from Mount Pleasant.

    □对  你在这里做什么Yes. What... what are you doing


    □我顺路经过  正好来还你钥匙I came by to bring you your key.

    □正准备给你留张便条I was just about to leave you a


    □你半夜11点半跑来  就为了还钥匙You're returning my key at 11.30

      at night?

    □到底怎么回事What the hell is going on here?

    □你说得对You're right.

    □我们都不是能游戏人生的年纪了We're too old to be playing



    □我准备写张便条  告诉你My note was gonna tell you that I, um...

    □今天下午  我是认真的I... I wasn't kidding this


    □我真的希望能保留一把你家的钥匙I really would like to keep a

      key to your place,

    □如果情绪来了  我就用它打开你家大门to use if the mood strikes me.

    □你喝醉了You've been drinking.

    □不  我喝酒只是为了壮胆Just enough to get up the


    □跑来告诉你我对你的感觉to tell you how I feel about


    □好吧  看来你对此感觉很不自在Ok, well, obviously you're uncomfortable about this.

    □所以  要是我令你感到尴尬So, I'm really sorry

    □我向你道歉if I embarrassed you.

    □给  钥匙还你Here... Here's your key.

    □回头见I'll see you around.

    □伊迪  其实 

      我并没感到尴尬Edie. Um, I'm not embarrassed.

    □要说真有什么  倒是受宠若惊If anything, I'm flattered.

    □苏珊  和我说说话吧Susan, Susan, talk to me.

    □麦克  现在很晚了Mike, it's not a good time.

    □我有点醉  还受了点惊吓I'm a little drunk and a little

      freaked out.

    □你还没回复我的留言You haven't returned my


    □我们分手了  我想我已经说得很清楚了We've broken up. I thought I

      made that pretty clear.

    □别这样对我 No, come on.

    □没法挽回了吗Can't we work this out?

    □你欺骗了我You lied to me.

    □什么时候  我几时骗你了When? When did I lie to you?

    □警方给我看了你的刑事档案The police showed me your rap


    □你杀过人You killed a man.

    □你相信我就是个冷血杀手吗You can believe I'm a some

      coldblooded killer?

    □不  我当然不信No. Of course I don't believe


    □但我也不信卡尔会欺骗我But I also didn't believe Karl

      was gotta cheat on me.

    □我还不信玛丽·艾莉丝会自杀I didn't believe Mary Alice would kill herself.

    □我向来就不会盲从轻信I mean, blind faith is not my


    □我本来是想告诉你实情的I was gonna tell you.

    □但没有找到合适的时机But just there wasn't a right


    □看吧  你又在说谎See, now that's a lie, too.

    □明明合适的时机多得是Because there were plenty of

      right moments.


    □每次出去吃披萨  你就可以说Everytime when we went for pizza, you could've said,

    □顺便提一下  我曾经杀过人By the way, I once killed a man.

    □或者  当你提议Or when you said,

    □我们去跑步吧时  你也可以说Let's go jogging, you could've


    □顺便提一下  我曾经杀过人By the way, I once killed a man.

    □当电影里的主角枪杀坏人时Every time we went to the

      movies, and the hero shot the bad guy,

    □你也可以转身对我说you could turn to me and say

    □顺便提一下  我曾经杀过人By the way, I did that once.

    □可你只字不提You didn't.

    □你想听听事情的真相吗Do you want to hear what

      happened or not?

    □已经无所谓了It doesn't matter.

    □我再也不会相信你说的话了Because I will never believe

      anything you say ever again.

    □但至少  你能相信这个Well, at the very least you can

      believe that.


    □卡洛斯  我也要上厕所Carlos, I have to go.

    □等一等You'll have to wait.

    □我凭什么要等  这是我的流动厕所Why should I have to wait? It's

      my portapotty.

    □什么叫你的流动厕所啊What do you mean it's yours?

    □这可是我偷回来的呀I'm the one who stole it.

    □亲爱的  抱歉 

      你得耐心等等Babe, I'm sorry. You're just

      gonna have to wait.

    □非常感谢  布里Thank you so much, Bree.

    □你们家的地砖使我下定决心Seeing your tile has really helped me make my decision.

    □下次翻新房子时  我要改用大理石Next time I remodel, I am using


    □加布丽尔  你没事吧Gabrielle, is everything ok?

    □当然  为什么这么问Sure. Why?

    □只是  你最近表现得颇为奇怪Well, it's just that you've been

      acting kind of oddly late.

    □哪里奇怪了In what way?

    □你编造各种理由You keep coming up with excuses

    □挨家挨户借厕所to use everyone's bathroom.

    □两天前考利先生还从你家后院看到And then two days ago Mr. Cawley

      looked into your back yard,

    □你和卡洛斯在用按摩浴缸洗衣服and saw you and Carlos doing

      your laundry in the Jacuzzi.

    □我来简单地解释一下Well, uh... there's a simple

      explanation for that. I, um...

    □你和卡洛斯最近手头很紧吗Are you and Carlos having some

      sort of money trouble?

    □加布  就算是也没什么的Gaby, it's ok if you are.

    □是吗Is that so?

    □当然  说实话  我有种被羞辱的感觉Yes. And to tell you the truth, I'm a little insulted.

    □我可是你的好朋友I am a good friend.

    □你为什么非得向我隐瞒实情呢Why would you feel like you have

      to hide that from me?

    □我不知道I don't know.

    □可能是因为你也没告诉我Probably for the same reason you

      didn't tell me

    □雷克斯是梅茜的顾客之一吧Rex was one of Maisy's clients.

    □这显然不同That is obviously different.

    □为什么  Why?

    □事情发生在你身上  就不同了吗Because it happened to you?

    □布里  在我看来Bree, this is how I see it.

    □好友在受到屈辱后会互相扶持Good friends support each other

      after they've been humiliated.

    □挚友则会心知肚明却不动声色Great friends pretend nothing

      happened in the first place.

    □既然这样  祝你房屋翻新顺利Well, then, good luck on your


    □代我向雷克斯问好And please tell Rex I said


    □塔米Hey, Tammy.


    □看来托弗恢复得挺快I see Topher's made a speedy


    □我们可以去玩了吗Can we go play?

    □是的  当然 

      玩得开心Yeah, sure, boys. Have fun.

    □我们去弹跳屋玩吧Let's go play in the bounce


    □好吧  既然被你逮到了All right, you caught me.

    □我承认我说谎了I lied.

    □但是你真不应该来参加这个But you should have some nerve

      crashing at

    □六周岁的生日庆祝会a sixyearold's birthday party.

    □我是要告诉你Just so you know,

    □我给托弗买了一套邦哥鼓I got Topher a set of Bongo


    □你会像他一样喜欢它们的I know you'll love them as much

      as he will.

    □查理  出来Charlie, come out.

    □不要和斯加沃家的孩子们玩I don't want you playing with those Scavo boys.

    □莫娜  别这样Mona, please!

    □我向你保证他们没病I'm sure they're clean.

    □你可别把我的聚会搞砸了You are not ruining my party.

    □波特  普雷斯顿Porter. Preston.

    □好了  出来出来Ok, out, out, out.

    □来吧  波特 

      普雷斯顿  我们走Come on. Porter. Preston.  Let's go.

    □可以再玩会儿Not quite yet.

    □孩子们  继续蹦吧Boys, keep bouncing.

    □对  继续蹦That's right, keep bouncing.

    □对了  顺便说一句Oh, by the way,

    □我和艾比盖护士谈过了I spoke to nurse Abigail.

    □我知道谁是传染源了I know who patient zero is.

    □好了  够了All right, that's it,

    □孩子们  你们先出去一下kids. Get out.

    □出去  快点Out, out, out! Go! Go!

    □你怎么能那样做呢How could you do that?

    □这个聚会对托弗很重要Look, this party meant

      everything to Topher.

    □我不能冒险  万一到时候没人来I couldn't risk people not

      showing up.

    □他会很难过的  所以我只能这样做He would be davastated.I had to

      do something.

    □所以  你能想到的最好的办法 And the best you could come up


    □就是让我的孩子背黑锅was letting my kids take the fall?

    □我可什么都没说啊Hey, I hadn't said anything.

    □人们就开始怀疑了People were already suspicious.

    □得了吧  我说的是事实Oh, please. Yeah, it's true.

    □你的儿子可不是地球上最干净的孩子Your boys aren't the cleanest

      kids on the planet.

    □这话真不好听  你去哪里That was not a smart thing to

      say. Where are you going?

    □我要把真相告诉其他妈妈们I'm going to tell the truth to

      every mother out there.

    □然后再把邦哥鼓收回And then I'm gonna take back the bongos.

    □别  等等 

      好吧No, wait! Ok, all right.

    □我承认  是我做错了Uh, look, I was wrong. I admit


    □我很抱歉  太没诚意 

      已经晚了I admit I'm really really sorry.

      Too little, too late.

    □好吧  我会告诉所有人是我的错Ok. I'll... I'll tell everyone

      that I was wrong.

    □传染源不是你的孩子That your kids aren't the ones.

    □行吗  我求你了Please. I'm begging you.

    □行  杵在这干吗  还不快去说Well, why are you standing there? Get to it.

    □布里Bree, hi.

    □有什么事情What's up?

    □我一直在想Well, um... I've been doing some


    □雷克斯和我这些年来Rex and I have been members

    □一直是美景镇乡村俱乐部的会员of the Fairview country club for


    □最近它好像减少了一些会员特权But lately it seems to have lost

      some of its exclusivity.

    □所以  我决定不再续缴会员费And so, I've decided not to renew our membership.

    □我情愿将这些钱用到我关心的人身上I'd rather see the money go to

      someone I care about.

    □布里  我不能收Oh, Bree, I... I can't take


    □加布  在我看来Gaby, this is the way I see it.

    □好友在危难时伸出援助之手Good friends offer to help in a


    □而挚友不会推辞Great friends don't take no for

      an answer.

    □我们会全额还给你的  我保证We're gonna pay you back every

      cent. I promise.

    □慢慢来  不急Take your time.

    □是的  每个人都喜欢丑闻Yes, everyone loves a scandal,

    □不论是惊天动地  还是平凡琐碎no matter how big or small.

    □毕竟  有什么能比旁观After all, what could be more


    □权势者中道落魄更可乐呢than watching the downfall of

      the high and mighty?

    □又有什么能比虚伪的罪人What could be more amusing

    □被公之于众更可笑呢than the public exposure of

      hypocritical sinners?

    □是的  每个人都喜欢丑闻Yes, everyone loves a scandal.

    □若出于某种原因你不喜欢最新的丑闻And if for some reason you're

      not enjoying the latest one...

    □无妨  下一个Well, the next one

    □即将来临is always around the corner.



