一、 感恩,一切都是老天爷的赐福
感恩,永远感恩<br />
昨晚梦见巨大的古莲 I dreamed huge ancient lotus last night. 穿越前世今生,让我们一起在浪里游一段路程 Through the Past and Present Let us swim our journey in the waves 听我喜欢的歌与我一同飞行 Listen to my favorite songs and fly with me.二、学习松的忍耐吧,才是成长的开始吧
松的忍耐 心中有期待,真好 How nice it is to have expectation and hope in heart. 心被爱打开,最远的地方可能有最近的路 Heart opens up by love. The furthermost place might have the nearest road. 人类被时间捆绑了 Human being has been kidnapped by TIME. 我们将穷其一生的劳作来埋葬创造出来的自我 We will bury the created self with our full-life long work. 快乐是对自己最大的慈善 Finding happiness is the largest philanthropic to yourself. 带着爱说出真话是安全的 It is secure to speak honest words with love. 心中有爱通向未来 With love in the heart, it leads us to future. 别急 Take it easy. 安静地坐在阳光里 Sit quietly in the sunshine. 你有没有发现十年很快就过去了,而每一天却很慢 Have you noticed time fly so fast even if it is a decade, However it is so slow to spend every and each single day. 人生不易,因另有其意 Life is never easy, because of its deep meaning.三、活下来,默默表达
活下来,默默表达 灵魂和肉身是有区别的,一个是司机,另一个是拖拉机 It is still a lots difference in between soul and flesh,one is the driver, and the other is the tractor. 遇一好男人,为我编篮子去采花,顺道买菜回家 In meeting a good man He will make basket for me We pick up flowers and buy vegetable on the way home. 如何度过此生最后一天 How to spend the last day in our life ? 放下的方式很多 There are many ways to let it be. 平心静气 Peace and Tranquility. 人生就是养的一仙人掌,经常被扎到 Life is a cactus,we often got hurt. 最难的,人间相聚喜 What a celebration When families and friends are getting together. 我看着你站在春天里一直在笑 I watched you standing in the Spring, have been smiling. 等雪 Wait for snow四、我的灵魂啊
我的灵魂啊,请你每天早晨叫醒我,带领我走向正确的方向 去见黄昏 Go to see the Dusk. 黄昏 是让人释放的时刻 今天工作结束 早下班八分钟 Dusk, is relieved moment, Finished today's work earlier and get off work, 8 minutes earlier. 当我真正面对独立的时候 寂寞就不存在了 When I truly face my independence There is no more loneliness 遇一好茶 温暖一下午 遇一好人 温暖一生 When encounter good tea warm one afternoon When encounter a good person, warm your whole life. 灵魂与灵魂相遇 是为了互相补氧 Soul meets with soul For providing oxygen to each other.五、我的童年
我的童年 从虚空里来到无为中去 From the Emptiness to enter Nothingness. 一切都是枝头的鸟 在作短暂的停留 Everything is bird on branches Stop for a short stay. 天黑了 纸里亮着灯 看书如同给自己打着把伞 躲过人间 It is dark Light from the paper Reading just like lift umbrella for your heart Escape from the crowd. 我谨小慎微地站在原地 保持着平庸的样子 I stand still cautiously maintaining mediocre look. 找个时间 和光面面相觑 Find time let us looked at each other in the light. 人生没有下一件事 只有这一件事 In our lives there is no NEXT thing there is only ONE thing. 我来人间朝圣 遇到的都是佛 I come to the human life for my pilgrimage journey Every I met is Buddha. 所有美好的东西都是全人类乃至整个生命界共同拥有的财富 All the good things, are the commonly owned wealth by all humankind and the whole community of life. 我们的终极课题是如何证明自我的不存在 The ultimate issue is how we prove that there is no self. 我们是自由的追随者 We are the follower of freedom. 忘记 是一件多么幸福的事 What a happy thing to learn how to forget. 每个人都是一条镜子 彼此照见互相提醒 Everyone is a mirror We see each other in the mirrors and keep reminding each other. 信心清净 即生实相 Tranquility and confidence, Effect the true reality in the world. 晚安 写句诗 总结一下自己的人生 Good night Let us summarize our life by writing a poem. 愿此刻圆满无缺 In this very moment Everything is perfect. 人生也是借来的 Our lives are all borrowed. 总有一刻被袭击 总有一时相依 总有一天彼此忘记 总有一生在一起 There is always a moment of being attacked, There is always a moment we are dependent to each other, There is always one day that we forget each other, There is always a life we would be together. 大王今天心情很好啊 The king is so happy today! 自由是我的王冠 Freedom is my Crown. 给天空一朵云 给自己一个礼物叫孤独 Give a cloud to the sky Give yourself a gift name as loneliness. 人不能闲着也不能吃得太饱 Man cannot be too idle or eat too much. 后记