Everything I Never Told You- Cha

Everything I Never Told You- Cha

作者: 午蕤 | 来源:发表于2017-06-07 21:32 被阅读0次

    Part I Words and Expressions

    1. He pulls a notebook from his pocket and nudges his glasses up with a stubby finger. 

    nudge: to push someone gently, usually with your elbow, in order to get their attention. 

    仿句:He nudged his way out of the crowd.

    2. You just can’t go making wild accusations. You can’t go berating the police.

        Who’s berating? I’m just asking questions.

    berate: to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong.

    仿句:The United Nations should come up with practical measures rather than merely berate countries not doing enough. 

    3. Sometimes they bicker over who forgot to screw the cap back onto the toothpaste, or who left the kitchen light on all night, but afterward her mother squeezes her father’s hand, or her father kisses her mother’s cheek, and all is well again.

    bicker: to argue, especially about something very unimportant

    仿句:My parents have bickered over which university I should apply for.

    4. They did not talk about it; they never mentioned it. But it lingered, like a bad smell. It had suffused them so deeply it could never wash out.

    suffuse: if warmth, colour, liquid etc suffuses something or someone, it covers or spreads through them. 

    be suffused wuth something: if someone is siffused with a feeling, they are full of that feeling.

    仿句:He felt that he's suffused with a unutterable feeling.

    Part II Thoughts


    She has never dared sit so close to Nath before; he and Lydia and their mother and father are too quick to shrug her off or shoo her away. Hannah, I’m busy. I’m in the middle of something. Leave me alone. This time—she holds her breath—Nath lets her stay. Though he says nothing more, her silence tells him she is listening.


    James却被Marilyn的口不择言刺痛。在内心深处,他一直是自卑的,他也一直认为周围人都在用有色眼镜看待他,除过Marilyn。但这次争吵,那些字眼,轻飘飘地从她口中说出,重重地击在他的心房。But he had not thought that everyone included Marilyn.但现在他意识到这一点后,两人的关系已经摇摇欲坠了。往日被抚平的安静湖面,波澜横生。

    To James, though, the word rifles from his wife’s mouth and lodges deep in his chest. From those two syllables—kowtow—explode bent-backed coolies in cone hats, pigtailed Chinamen with sandwiched palms. Squinty and servile. Bowing and belittled. He has long suspected that everyone sees him this way—Stanley Hewitt, the policemen, the checkout girl at the grocery store. But he had not thought that everyone included Marilyn.



          本文标题:Everything I Never Told You- Cha
