快来亲近主 17/365

快来亲近主 17/365

作者: 麦子恩 | 来源:发表于2019-01-20 17:08 被阅读0次

诗篇 65:1-4, 11-13 CUNPSS-神

“神啊, 锡安 的人都等候赞美你; 所许的愿也要向你偿还。 听祷告的 主 啊, 凡有血气的都要来就你。 罪孽胜了我; 至于我们的过犯,你都要赦免。 你所拣选、使他亲近你、住在你院中的, 这人便为有福! 我们必因你居所、你圣殿的美福知足了。

你以恩典为年岁的冠冕; 你的路径都滴下脂油, 滴在旷野的草场上。 小山以欢乐束腰; 草场以羊群为衣; 谷中也长满了五谷。 这一切都欢呼歌唱。”






有些人会因着自己的内疚和罪恶感不来教会,不灵修,不祷告。大卫说,“ 罪孽胜了我; 至于我们的过犯,你都要赦免。” 神不是来定我们的罪,而是来赦免我们一切的罪。让主帮助你从新开始!





亲近主, 诗篇

Go to God now because He has first come to you!

快来亲近主 17/365

Psalms 65:1-3, 5 NLT

What mighty praise, O God, belongs to you in Zion. We will fulfill our vows to you, for you answer our prayers. All of us must come to you. Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, you forgive them all.

You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.

Pronounce it!

1) All of us - everyone , from the greatest to the smallest. Richest to the poorest, youngest to the oldest.

2) must come - initiative to enter, to be with God

3) to You - to the King of kings, the Creator and Lord of all


David knew God to be personal but never like a genie. There is a huge problem in our mindset today that God must come to us, He must initiate , He should come and bless me. Its a very “me” centered and “I” centered mindset! While God has initiated and took the first step to bless us and save us from our sins, we need to go to Him! The world revolves according to Him, not us! We need to be where God dwells, we need to do our part to fulfill our vows and pay tribute to the King of kings! Even though some are overwhelmed by sins, He has already cleansed and given us confidence and access to worship Him in the sanctuary. Some would say “I am not good enough to go to Church, wait Until I am a better person”. However, Jesus said clearly that he has come for the sick and not for the well. It is for this reason the church is formed. It’s for the sick, not for the well, it’s for those who knew their sinful condition and longs to be cleansed by God! Let us learn to go to God, enter His sanctuary and worship Him. Let us not be passive but actively seeking to give Him praise! For He has truly answer our prayers with awesome deeds!


Lord, thank You for reminding me that while You intimately and graciously came to earth and reach out to us, it doesn’t mean I should stay passive. Thank You so much for Your grace but let me not take Your grace for granted. It’s truly by Your grace I can enter Your sanctuary, let me be forever grateful and be actively seeking to praise You! Let me not be like those who only sits and waits to be served…. Let me not become a pampered child and a spiritual spoilt brat who do not understand service, honor and reverence. I pray for the redeeming of the next generation to become God fearers and grateful youths who would honor And submit to You! Bless my bros n sis to learn to go to God for He has first initiated to come to us! In Jesus’ name, amen!


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      本文标题:快来亲近主 17/365
