Kotlin 协程(四) -协程上下文与调度器

Kotlin 协程(四) -协程上下文与调度器

作者: 码路恒行 | 来源:发表于2022-02-26 20:42 被阅读0次

Kotlin 协程(一)

Kotlin 协程 (二)协程取消与超时

Kotlin 协程(三) async和await




public actual object Dispatchers {


     * The default [CoroutineDispatcher] that is used by all standard builders like

     * [launch][CoroutineScope.launch], [async][CoroutineScope.async], etc

     * if no dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor] is specified in their context.


     * It is backed by a shared pool of threads on JVM. By default, the maximal level of parallelism used

     * by this dispatcher is equal to the number of CPU cores, but is at least two.

     * Level of parallelism X guarantees that no more than X tasks can be executed in this dispatcher in parallel.



    public actual val Default: CoroutineDispatcher = createDefaultDispatcher()


     * A coroutine dispatcher that is confined to the Main thread operating with UI objects.

     * This dispatcher can be used either directly or via [MainScope] factory.

     * Usually such dispatcher is single-threaded.


     * Access to this property may throw [IllegalStateException] if no main thread dispatchers are present in the classpath.


     * Depending on platform and classpath it can be mapped to different dispatchers:

     * - On JS and Native it is equivalent of [Default] dispatcher.

     * - On JVM it is either Android main thread dispatcher, JavaFx or Swing EDT dispatcher. It is chosen by

     *   [`ServiceLoader`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html).


     * In order to work with `Main` dispatcher, the following artifacts should be added to project runtime dependencies:

     *  - `kotlinx-coroutines-android` for Android Main thread dispatcher

     *  - `kotlinx-coroutines-javafx` for JavaFx Application thread dispatcher

     *  - `kotlinx-coroutines-swing` for Swing EDT dispatcher


     * In order to set a custom `Main` dispatcher for testing purposes, add the `kotlinx-coroutines-test` artifact to

     * project test dependencies.


     * Implementation note: [MainCoroutineDispatcher.immediate] is not supported on Native and JS platforms.



    public actual val Main: MainCoroutineDispatcher get() = MainDispatcherLoader.dispatcher


     * A coroutine dispatcher that is not confined to any specific thread.

     * It executes initial continuation of the coroutine in the current call-frame

     * and lets the coroutine resume in whatever thread that is used by the corresponding suspending function, without

     * mandating any specific threading policy. Nested coroutines launched in this dispatcher form an event-loop to avoid

     * stack overflows.


     * ### Event loop

     * Event loop semantics is a purely internal concept and have no guarantees on the order of execution

     * except that all queued coroutines will be executed on the current thread in the lexical scope of the outermost

     * unconfined coroutine.


     * For example, the following code:

     * ```

     * withContext(Dispatchers.Unconfined) {

     *    println(1)

     *    withContext(Dispatchers.Unconfined) { // Nested unconfined

     *        println(2)

     *    }

     *    println(3)

     * }

     * println("Done")

     * ```

     * Can print both "1 2 3" and "1 3 2", this is an implementation detail that can be changed.

     * But it is guaranteed that "Done" will be printed only when both `withContext` are completed.



     * Note that if you need your coroutine to be confined to a particular thread or a thread-pool after resumption,

     * but still want to execute it in the current call-frame until its first suspension, then you can use

     * an optional [CoroutineStart] parameter in coroutine builders like

     * [launch][CoroutineScope.launch] and [async][CoroutineScope.async] setting it to the

     * the value of [CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED].



    public actual val Unconfined: CoroutineDispatcher = kotlinx.coroutines.Unconfined


     * The [CoroutineDispatcher] that is designed for offloading blocking IO tasks to a shared pool of threads.


     * Additional threads in this pool are created and are shutdown on demand.

     * The number of threads used by this dispatcher is limited by the value of

     * "`kotlinx.coroutines.io.parallelism`" ([IO_PARALLELISM_PROPERTY_NAME]) system property.

     * It defaults to the limit of 64 threads or the number of cores (whichever is larger).


     * Moreover, the maximum configurable number of threads is capped by the

     * `kotlinx.coroutines.scheduler.max.pool.size` system property.

     * If you need a higher number of parallel threads,

     * you should use a custom dispatcher backed by your own thread pool.


     * This dispatcher shares threads with a [Default][Dispatchers.Default] dispatcher, so using

     * `withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ... }` does not lead to an actual switching to another thread —

     * typically execution continues in the same thread.



    public val IO: CoroutineDispatcher = DefaultScheduler.IO



Main 是运行在主线程的及在Android中进行UI绘制的线程.一般用于处理UI绘制及一些轻量级任务

Default 是运行在非主线程的,一般用于CPU密集型计算型任务.如数组排序,JSON解析,异常判断等

IO 是运行在非主线程的,一般用于磁盘操作和网络IO操作任务.如数据库操作,文件读写,网络请求等

Unconfined 未定义的线程,是一个特殊的调度器且似乎也运行在 main 线程中,但实际上它是一种不同的机制.协程调度器在调用它的线程启动了一个协程,但它仅仅只是运行到第一个挂起点.挂起后,它恢复线程中的协程,而这完全由被调用的挂起函数来决定.非受限的调度器非常适用于执行不消耗 CPU 时间的任务,以及不更新局限于特定线程的任何共享数据(如UI)的协程


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      本文标题:Kotlin 协程(四) -协程上下文与调度器
