The question whether intelligent life(有智力的生命体) exists elsewhere in the universe is certainly imprecise, becausewe are not sure how different from use something might be and still count as"intelligent life."Yet we cannot just decide to define"intelligent life" in some more precise way since it is likely thatwe will find and recognize intelligent life elsewhere in the universe only ifwe leave our definitions open to new, unimagined possibilities.
87.The argument can most reasonably be interpreted as an objection towhich one of the following claims?
(A) The question whether intelligent lifeexists elsewhere in the universe is one that will never be correctly answered.
(B) Whether or not there is intelligent lifeelsewhere in the universe, our understanding of intelligent life is limited.
(C) The question about the existence ofintelligent life elsewhere in the universe must be made more precise if we hopeto answer it correctly.
(D) The question whether there isintelligent life elsewhere in the universe is so imprecise as to bemeaningless.
(E) The question whether there isintelligent life elsewhere in the universe is one we should not spend our timetrying to answer.
88.The passage, if seen as an objection to an antecedent claim.Challenges that claim by:
(A) showing the claim to be irrelevant tothe issue at hand
(B) citing examples that fail to fitproposed definition of "intelligent life"
(C) claiming that "intelligentlife" cannot be adequately defined.
(D) arguing that the claim, if acted on,would be counterproductive
(E) maintaining that the claim is notsupported by the available evidence.