Bacterial War in Changde

Bacterial War in Changde

作者: Yi2020 | 来源:发表于2018-12-12 16:23 被阅读0次

"Bacterial Warfare" is a word we don't want to face. People suffering caused by bacterial viruses is hotter, more intense and more profound than that of being killed directly.  The infamous Japanese Army Unit 731, based in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, is the largest bacterial weapons research laboratory and purgatory in the world.

Fog covers Changde city (in Hunan Province) on Tuesday, November 4, 1941.

In the early hours of the morning, the hasty air raid alarm woke up the sleeping Changde people, who had been accustomed to the air raid at 9am since 1938, but this time they were confused about this air raid.

As usual, they were ready to flee to the countryside of Changde, and found that the plane did not drop any bombs, but instead of wheat, millet, sorghum, rags and other debris all the way around the city. What they didn't know was that all these items were covered with Japanese-made plague. Germ warfare covering the land of Changde.

An early photograph of the crew of Japanese Unit 731 invaded Changde on Nov. 4, 1941.

Bacterial War in Changde

Li Youshen lived in the countryside of Changde. At midnight on May 8, Li came back from the city and became ill, and then died after two days.  After arranged Li's funeral, people who had been contacted with Li fell one by one. Those who came to take care of the sick people or visited them were all spread the plague to others… From Li, a total of 17 people in this small and peaceful village died of the plague.

Li's village was sparsely populated, with only a few households. When the city's epidemic prevention team arrived at Li village, there was no one could collect the corpses in the small village.

According to official statistics,  Changde Germ Warfare killed 7,643 civilians, and tens of thousands of people suffering owning to the bacterial war.

Movie Dawning tells a story of victim Xia Jiajun. From the perspective of life, showing the philosophy of love, it involves the deepest love and compassion of the audience. When something becomes an obstacle to be overcome, we would pay a cost for it that we have never imagined.

War is the heaviest and most profound chapter in the history of mankind. It is recorded in blood  by countless people. The pain of war is long and hard to heal, and today we have never stopped telling and reflecting on the history of war.

In the movie, little Xia Jiajun was separated from his family during the war and then he cames to the reeducation center. He experienced the tragic situation that his friends had been left one after another due to the plague virus, but he also spent a golden childhood in the "children's Noah's ark" : sharing food, catching fish, putting river lamp etc, these were his wonderful memories of his life during the reeducation center.

Bacterial War in Changde

But in reality, little Xia Jiajun walked alone to the reeducation center, on the way to the center,  jets flying overhead, bomb constantly falling, he and the fastest-running children hid in caves. When he came out, he saw dismembered corpses everywhere, and the air was full of the smell of smoke and blood, the terrible memory never go away.

In 1941, under the siege of artillery attack and bacteria suffering, Changde was like a hell.

At the end of the film, Xia Jiajun who is an old man now calmly facing the camera and recalled, "before entering the reeducation center, I used to hide in the cave. When I came out from cave, I saw blood on the ground, dismembered corpses around the outside cave, the buzzing and creepy sound of the plane always in my mind... "

"No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Motherland is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee."
By John Donne(1572-1631)

"细菌战” 是我们不愿面对的词汇,刺痛着我们的心。比起被直接屠杀死,细菌病毒给人们带来的痛苦更炽烈、更煎熬也更深远。臭名昭著的侵华日军731部队,设立于黑龙江省哈尔滨,是世界历史上规模最大的细菌武器研究实验室和炼狱。





Bacterial War in Changde




电影通过真实人物夏家俊的故事,从生命的角度,透射出简单的哲理, 陪伴的长情。它牵扯到观众内心最深处的爱和同情,当有些东西成为障碍需要去跨越的时候,我们会为它付出未曾想象过的代价。



Bacterial War in Changde

但现实中,夏家俊孤身一人前往教养院,在途中,他经历着日军的轰炸,头顶上空的飞机轰鸣,炸弹不断地往下掉,他和跑得最快的孩子们躲在山洞里,出来时他看见洞口周围已是残肢遍布 ,到处都是血,空气中布满了硝烟味和血腥味儿,这个记忆在脑海中一直消散不去。


影片的最后,夏家俊老人面对镜头平静的回忆:  “没进教养院之前,我经常躲在山洞里,出来我就看到大街上有血,洞口周围残肢遍布 ,脑海里都是飞机嗡嗡嗡,毛骨悚然的声音……”

约翰·多恩John Donne(1572 - 1631)



      本文标题:Bacterial War in Changde
