英英释义:(of actions and behaviour) deserving praise, even if there is little or no success
例句:The intention is laudable, but the result (is) lamentable.
1)Much of this is laudable in principle. In practice, there is a risk that the salary cuts deprive AMLO of the necessary expertise to run a complex state.(注意这句中 in principle 和 in practice 是反义词,意思分别是“原则上/理论上”、“实际上”)
2)Digitization is meant to preserve books and expand the number of people with access to them, a laudable goal.
3)Its aims are laudable but implementation is proving a nightmare.(这句话值得我们背下来)
Despite the laudable aim, his approach to achieve this goal is unjustifiable/inappropriate.
(Although the ends are laudable, his means are questionable.)
To maximize the poor‘s interests alone, a laudable end, cannot server as a sustainable defense for the government's infringement of the rich's private property.