看电影《The Intern》学英语2

看电影《The Intern》学英语2

作者: 火爆超人 | 来源:发表于2018-09-05 12:09 被阅读0次


    Good news, I found a size eight in Navy. 海军蓝八码被找到了。

    No, you are right. That package should have arrived by now.

    Let me track that for you.

    Yep, these pants are awesome if you have hips.(条件从句,如果你屁股大的话)

    Super slimming.slim苗条的,这里是超级修身。


    Okay, let me just review this with you...

    You have six bridesmaids. You ordered six of the silk chiffon antoinette dresses in pink.chiffon薄绸状的,雪纺

    The wedding is in three days, and the dresses just arrived all in charcoal gray.炭灰色。

    Which we don't even sell, so that is a bit of a mystery.

    Okay, here's what we're gonna do about this.

    I am gonna call the vendor and have this fixed today.

    I will be personally see the dresses before they are fedexed.

    And I promise you they will be at your front door by 9:00 A. M. Friday, okay?

    You know what, let me give you my cell, just in case 718-555-0199.

    Oh, thank you so much for your patience.

    And I am gonna refund you back all your money.资金全部退还

    It's the...

    Okay, hey, you check this one off your list, okay?不用再顾虑这件事情了。

    This is done.没问题了,过去了。

    And, Rachel, have a great wedding.送上祝福。

    Oh, my god, how did that happen?

    Becky: Jules?

    I know, I know, I'm late for something.

    Yeah, everything.

    You see why I take customer-service calls?

    I mean, it's so good. You learn so much.获益良多的一件事情。

    Okay, What's up? What am I doing?


    Okay, Cameron was waiting for for you but had another meeting.

    He siad he'll be back at 2:00.

    Everyone needs you to sign off on tomorrow's homepage. sign-off审核,签字

    And your 11:00 is in the big conference room.你11点得到大会议室。

    So is your 11:10. Fiance needs you.

    And I guess you e-mailed a bunch of people at 4:00 A. M. about something.凌晨点给一堆人发邮件,天。

    Oh, good, I forgot about that.

    I want to figure out a way for friends to shop together online. 我想找出一种方式

    Make it less of an alone thing. 让网购不再是单独的事情。

    E-mail me that idea, will you?

    Yeah, I like that.

    Um, is now a good time to call your mom back?

    Dude, I'm on a bike. dude伙计,妹子


    Oh, what a mess. This is the middle of the office.

    Don't... don't...Don't put that..依旧有人把不用的东西放在上面。



    Hi, I'm Ben Whittacker.

    I received an e-mail about an interview for the senior intern program.

    Hey, Ben. How's it going?打招呼的方式

    It's going good, real good. Thank you.

    Excellent. Take a seat around the corner and someone from talent acquisition will come get you. talent acquisition[,ækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n]人才获取

    Thank you.

    Talent acquisition?

    (Jules 在忙碌的会议中)

    Okay, you guys have to remember, the homepage has to read in a glance.主页得一目了然。

    Also, you have to get back like this if you want to see what looks like if you're, like, over 35. 往后站,把自己想象成35岁以上。

    Okay, so I can't read anything, but if I could, what do you wnat me to see?

    "Five girls, one shirt" or "check out the fit"?

    Well, both, but what I really wnat you to see is the shirt worn by five different body types.

    Okay, then you got to make me see that.

    Try making the photo grid bigger.  试着把相格放大。

    I love that five. Can we make it more graphic? graphic用图表示的,生动的,形象的

    Yeah, that's cool.

    Maybe hero the girl in the red shirt.hero主角,重点突出

    That's a gread red.

    It is going to fly out of here. 跃出屏幕

    I needed you to sign off on this, like, two hours ago.

    I know, I know, but can you try? 


    Mia? Tell me that thing again.

    Oh, 40% of our visitors don't go past the homepage.40%的访客不从主页进入

    Which isn't so bad.

    Yeah, but we should fix that.解决这个问题

    Okay, here you go. 主页搞定了。

    I love it.

    Great, and it's up.

    Ok, thanks, everybody.


    Employee: Let's go over the pitch for Friday.

    Okay, so.

    The antoinette dress

    Major screw-up by the vendor.被供应商搞砸了

    There's gonna be a couple of interviews today, Ben.

    we want to make sure that we both find the right fit.

    Business as usual is not really our motto. motto格言,指该公司不循规蹈矩

    So we hope you have some fun here.

    This is the first time we're hiring senior interns, so some of of the intern questions may not exactly fit your profile. profile简况

    But we're gonna go for it anyway, okay?虽然可能会不适合你的履历,但是还是要问一下。

    Fire away. 开火吧,说吧,问吧

    Okay, good.

    Where'd you go to school?

    I went to Northwestern.西北大学

    Hey, my brother went to Northwestern.

    Probably not the same time.很可能不是同届的。

    Probably not. He graduated in 2009.

    Class of 65.

    What was your major?

    Do you remember?


    And after Northwestern you went on to..?

    I went to work for Dex one.

    Okay, and they made...?


    I was in charge of overseeing the printing of the physical phonebook. oversee监督,physical物理的,物质的,实体的

    I did that for over 20 years, and before that, I was their v. P. of sales and advertising在这之前我是营销副总裁(vice president)

    So, do they still make phonebooks?

    I mean, doesn't everyone just Google numbers?

    I believe they do, but before Google that was how you got a number.

    Oh, no, no. Yeah, I get it.


    So 40 years at the phonebook company?

    That is amazing, seriously.

    Okay, Benjamin.

    Now, I'm gonna ask you one of our more telling questions(说明性问题)for all of our interns, so I want you to, like, this is the one really think about, okay?好好考虑哦。

    And take your time.

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 10年后你会处在什么位置?

    When I'm 80?

    Yeah, sure. Whatever.

    Wait. Did not realize you were 70.

    That's uh... that question just doesn't work for you, does it?

    Should we just scratch that one and just move on?丢弃、忽略那个问题

    It's your call, Justin.你说了算

    Okay, that one's gone.

    You look great, by the way. So great.

    And you're clearly more than qualified for this job.qualified有资格的,合格的

    You are actually, like, way overqualified大材小用

    And you are so impressed.印象深刻的

    You had great interviews, great video.

    You nailed it, Ben. Congrats.你成功了

    You are an intern.

    Hey, I need you for two minutes, uninterrupted.

    Remember a few weeks ago, we talked about the senior intern program?高年实习生计划


    Really? We had a whole, big conversation about it.

    We did? Okay, remind me.

    Seniors in high school or college?

    No, no, no.

    Seniors in life. Older people.

    Hold on, what?

    I told you I felt like we needed to do an outreah program.拓展项目

    You definitely seemed to be liking the idea so I set it in motion. It's gonna be great. in motion运转,实施

    Hold, please.

    You are hiring senior citizen interns?

    There's been a ton of research on this, and the results are actually incredible.结论非常不可思议。

    I mean, imagine having an intern with a lifetime of experience, as opposed(对照,对立) to somebody who spent the last four years of their life playing beer pong.

    Do they eventually最终 want jobs here?

    No, darling, they're all retired.

    They just want the experience.

    And I would like one to work directly with you.

    Wait, Cameron, no.

    First of all, I'm not great with older people.

    You know how I am with my parents.

    This could be...

    Why do I have to have one?

    Because you have to set the tone语气,色调,音色. 起表率作用。

    Now, would you prefer a man or a woman?

    There's a great 72-year-old woman, really cute.

    That's like the same age as my mom.

    That's too weired. 

    That's fine.

    There's a man everyone loves. He seems amazing.

    I watched his video with the whole group.

    People were crying.

    Okay, this is not going to work, in my opinion.

    But how long do I have to do this for?


    Six weeks or we'll be sued控告.

    I know we never talked about this.

    Yeah, we did. For real.

    He starts tomorrow.



          本文标题:看电影《The Intern》学英语2
