otool(object file displaying tool) : 针对目标文件的展示工具。xcode自带工具。
-f print the fat headers
-a print the archive header
-h print the mach header
-l print the load commands
-L print shared libraries used
-D print shared library id name
-t print the text section (disassemble with -v)
-p <routine name> start dissassemble from routine name
-s <segname> <sectname> print contents of section
-d print the data section
-o print the Objective-C segment
-r print the relocation entries
-S print the table of contents of a library
-T print the table of contents of a dynamic shared library
-M print the module table of a dynamic shared library
-R print the reference table of a dynamic shared library
-I print the indirect symbol table
-H print the two-level hints table
-G print the data in code table
-v print verbosely (symbolically) when possible
-V print disassembled operands symbolically
-c print argument strings of a core file
-X print no leading addresses or headers
-m don't use archive(member) syntax
-B force Thumb disassembly (ARM objects only)
-q use llvm's disassembler (the default)
-Q use otool(1)'s disassembler
-mcpu=arg use `arg' as the cpu for disassembly
-j print opcode bytes
-P print the info plist section as strings
-C print linker optimization hints
--version print the version of /Applications/Xcode9.2.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/otool
这里使用otool -L
文件夹里面当前App的Mach-O 二进制文件路径。
里面使用动态库。输入otool -L ./qmlw.app/qmlw

可参考Mac - otool