第一章:Ignore the real world
They want to drag other down into their tomb.
The real world isn't a place, it's an excuse. It's a justification for not trying. It has nothing to do with you.
Failure is not a prerequisite for success.
A Harvard Business School study found already-successful entrepreneurs are far more likely to succeed again (the success rate for their future companies is 34%). But entrepreneurs whose companies failed the first time had almost the same follow-on success rate as people starting a company for the first time: just 23%.
Ramping up doesn't have to be your goal. Don't be insecure about aiming to be a small business.
Workaholics leads to an ass-in-seat mentality.
No one makes sharp decision when tired.
scratch your own itch
It means to do something to solve a personal problem. For entrepreneurs, if they scratch their own itch, they find an internal problem in their business and solve it.
Don't stab in the dark. It's better to know what your itch is.
What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.
When you want something bad enough, you make time -- regardless of your other obligations.
既然有了想法,接下来就live it or leave it.
Stranding for something isn't just about writing it down. It's about believing it and living it.
记得去年年初准备写论文的时候,对论文的research methods很不自信,也不确定到底该用哪种方法。同时,在上辅导课时,老师的话一直萦绕在我耳旁:make your life easier. 后来跟学长讨论论文研究方法的时候,起初他还耐心讲解。后来他见我一直下不了决心,他说:If you don't think it's gonna work. Then it's not gonna work. 听完他这句话,我马上就做了决定,并开始乖乖填写ethical form。