大师游戏II 154~理解

大师游戏II 154~理解

作者: 心水 | 来源:发表于2021-09-28 18:19 被阅读0次

    今天是大师游戏第154天星期二,继续读《Dark NLP》,今天谈一下理解,如何理解人和这个世界,可以说理解是一个优秀教练最关键的能力,当客户被深深地理解了,神奇的事情就会自然而然地发生。

    This section is one of the most important in the entire book as it provides you with a way of seeing the world that will enable you to become effective and take control of your circumstances, rather than vice versa.


    The first key understanding you must reach is it doesn’t so much matter what you do or say - what matters is the result you are able to attain. If this sounds very results oriented and tactical, it’s because it is.


    The second core mental attitude required for Dark NLP is to understand that absolutely everything is completely subjective, and even if people use the same words they may have entirely different meanings associated with the words in their mind.


    Once you realize nothing has any absolute, objective meaning, you are free to manipulate the subjective meaning of things to your own advantage.


    Let’s say a manager needed their workers to work some extra hours to get an important project wrapped up. In the workers’ minds, at least initially, they may feel that they are being exploited. If the manager is a skilled user of Dark NLP, however, they will be able to tie the extra work into the workers’ values and give it a better meaning, such as making a sacrifice for the greater good.


    Dark NLP also emphasizes the fact the language people use is not an absolute representation of what they are thinking or feeling.


    For example, two people may use the word ‘fine’ to describe how they are feeling. Assuming they mean the same thing in both cases would be a huge mistake.

    Over the years of their life, both people would have built up a series of references, experiences, and meanings for them, which they have come to associate with the word ‘fine.’

    For any given word a person uses, they have an entire history supporting exactly what they mean by it. Failing to take into account this highly subjective use of language means you will never be able to understand people on a deeply personal level.

    例如,两个人可能使用“ fine ”这个词来描述他们的感觉。假设他们在两种情况下的意思是一样的,那就大错特错了。在他们多年的生活中,两个人都积累了一系列的经验和意义,他们把这些经验和含义与“好”这个词联系在一起。


    It requires you to become attuned to not only the words that people say but also the emotional tone with which they say them. You need to look past the surface, obvious meaning of the word and figure out the precise meaning it has for the individual that is using it.


    Once you have figured out the precise meaning of words for people that are using them you are in a position to mirror the words back and influence them on a deep, subconscious level.




        本文标题:大师游戏II 154~理解
