data.py NGSIM数据处理的理解

data.py NGSIM数据处理的理解

作者: 吃醋不吃辣的雷儿 | 来源:发表于2022-05-30 09:30 被阅读0次

    1.读取NGSIM dataset prepocess后的mat文件


    ### Class for the highway trajectory datasets (NISIM, HighD, etc.)
    class highwayTrajDataset(Dataset):
        def __init__(self, path, t_h=30, t_f=50, d_s=2,
                     enc_size=64, targ_enc_size=112, grid_size=(25, 5), fit_plan_traj=False, fit_plan_further_ds=1):
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                raise RuntimeError("{} not exists!!".format(path))
            if path.endswith('.mat'):
                f = h5py.File(path, 'r')
                f_tracks = f['tracks']
                track_cols, track_rows = f_tracks.shape
                self.Data = np.transpose(f['traj'])
                self.Tracks = []
                for i in range(track_rows):
                    self.Tracks.append([  np.transpose(f[f_tracks[j][i]][:]) for j in range(track_cols)  ])
                raise RuntimeError("Path should be end with '.mat' for file or '/' for folder")
            # If torch version >= 1.2.0
            if int(torch.__version__[0])>=1 and int(torch.__version__[2])>=2:
                self.mask_num_type = torch.bool
                self.mask_num_type = torch.uint8
            self.t_h = t_h  # length of track history.
            self.t_f = t_f  # length of predicted trajectory.
            self.d_s = d_s  # downsampling rate of all trajectories to be processed.
            self.enc_size = enc_size
            self.targ_enc_size = targ_enc_size
            self.hist_len = self.t_h // self.d_s + 1  # data length of the history trajectory
            self.fut_len = self.t_f // self.d_s       # data length of the future  trajectory
            self.plan_len = self.t_f // self.d_s      # data length of the planning  trajectory
            self.fit_plan_traj = fit_plan_traj              # Fitting the future planned trajectory in testing/evaluation.
            self.further_ds_plan = fit_plan_further_ds      # Further downsampling to restrict the planning info
            self.cell_length = 8
            self.cell_width = 7
            self.grid_size = grid_size                # size of social context grid
            self.grid_cells = grid_size[0] * grid_size[1]
            self.grid_length = self.cell_length * grid_size[0]
            self.grid_width = self.cell_width * grid_size[1]


    given item index return dataset id 数据集id
    given item index return vehicle id 车辆id
    given item index return frame time 时刻
    given item index return location(LocalX LocalY) 车辆位置
    given item index return plan vehicle behavior(turn left or right or go straight, brake or normal) 左转右转直行 刹车or正常行驶
    given item index return vehicle size(length, width) 车长车宽
    given item index return vehicle dynamic(speed and acc) 车辆速度和加速度
    given item index return central grid 以plan vehicle为中心 长方形邻域每个grid内的vehicle的id(不存在则为0)
    given item index return target vehicle id 上述central grid去0得到邻域车辆id
    given item index return neighbor vehicle id 邻域车辆的邻域车辆id(all existing neighbor vehicles id)
    given item index return target central location 邻域车辆的位置(all existing target vehicles location)
    given item index return all around sizes 返回plan vehicle size, target vehicle size, neighbor vehicle size

    ## Functions of retrieving information according to the item's index
        def itsDsId(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 0].astype(int)
        def itsPlanVehId(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 1].astype(int)
        def itsTime(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 2]
        def itsLocation(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 3:5]
        def itsPlanVehBehavior(self, idx):
            return int(self.Data[idx, 6] + (self.Data[idx, 7] - 1) * 3)
        def itsPlanVehSize(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 8:10]
        def itsPlanVehDynamic(self, idx):
            planVel, planAcc = self.getDynamic(self.itsDsId(idx), self.itsPlanVehId(idx), self.itsTime(idx))
            return planVel, planAcc
        def itsCentGrid(self, idx):
            return self.Data[idx, 13:].astype(int)
        def itsTargVehsId(self, idx):
            centGrid = self.itsCentGrid(idx)
            targVehsId = centGrid[np.nonzero(centGrid)]
            return targVehsId
        def itsNbrVehsId(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            planVehId = self.itsPlanVehId(idx)
            targVehsId = self.itsTargVehsId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            nbrVehsId = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
            for target in targVehsId:
                subGrid = self.getGrid(dsId, target, t)
                subIds = subGrid[np.nonzero(subGrid)]
                for i in subIds:
                    if i==planVehId or any(i==targVehsId) or any(i==nbrVehsId):
                        nbrVehsId = np.append(nbrVehsId, i)
            return nbrVehsId
        def itsTargsCentLoc(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            centGrid = self.itsCentGrid(idx)
            targsCenterLoc = np.empty((0,2), dtype=np.float32)
            for target in centGrid:
                if target:
                    targsCenterLoc = np.vstack([targsCenterLoc, self.getLocation(dsId, target, t)])
            return torch.from_numpy(targsCenterLoc)
        def itsAllAroundSizes(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            centGrid = self.itsCentGrid(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            planVehSize = []
            targVehSizes = []
            nbsVehSizes = []
            planVehSize.append(self.getSize(dsId, self.itsPlanVehId(idx)))
            for i, target in enumerate(centGrid):
                if target:
                    targVehSizes.append(self.getSize(dsId, target))
                    targVehGrid = self.getGrid(dsId, target, t)
                    for targetNb in targVehGrid:
                        if targetNb:
                            nbsVehSizes.append(self.getSize(dsId, targetNb))
            return np.asarray(planVehSize), np.asarray(targVehSizes), np.asarray(nbsVehSizes)


    给定item index,即哪个数据集中的哪条数据,获得该vehicle历史和将来的轨迹、targets vehicle历史和将来的轨迹、neighbor vehicle历史和将来的轨迹。
    given item index return history and future vehicle trajectory
    given item index return target vehicles history and future trajectory
    given item index return neighbor vehicles history and future trajectory
    其实这三种方法获取轨迹的实现方式都差不多,以absPlanTraj为例。首先根据item index找到对应的dataset id, vehicle id, frame time,得到该车在相应数据集相应时间的列索引colIndex以及该车的全部track vehTrack,之后根据时间索引往前回溯30帧得到历史轨迹(X Y坐标)planHis,往后前进50帧得到将来轨迹(X Y坐标)planFut,返回[planHis, planFut]。

    ## Functions for retrieving trajectory data with absolute coordinate, mainly used for visualization
        def itsAllGroundTruthTrajs(self, idx):
            return [self.absPlanTraj(idx), self.absTargsTraj(idx), self.absNbrsTraj(idx)]
        def absPlanTraj(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            planVeh = self.itsPlanVehId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][planVeh - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            vehTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][planVeh - 1].transpose()
            planHis = vehTrack[np.maximum(0, colIndex - self.t_h): (colIndex + 1): self.d_s, 1:3]
            planFut = vehTrack[(colIndex + self.d_s): (colIndex + self.t_f + 1): self.d_s, 1:3]
            return [planHis, planFut]
        def absTargsTraj(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            targVehs = self.itsTargVehsId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            targHisList, targFutList = [], []
            for targVeh in targVehs:
                colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][targVeh - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
                vehTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][targVeh - 1].transpose()
                targHis = vehTrack[np.maximum(0, colIndex - self.t_h): (colIndex + 1): self.d_s, 1:3]
                targFut = vehTrack[(colIndex + self.d_s): (colIndex + self.t_f + 1): self.d_s, 1:3]
            return [targHisList, targFutList]
        def absNbrsTraj(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            nbrVehs = self.itsNbrVehsId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            nbrHisList, nbrFutList = [], []
            for nbrVeh in nbrVehs:
                colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][nbrVeh - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
                vehTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][nbrVeh - 1].transpose()
                targHis = vehTrack[np.maximum(0, colIndex - self.t_h): (colIndex + 1): self.d_s, 1:3]
            return [nbrHisList, nbrFutList]
        def batchTargetVehsInfo(self, idxs):
            count = 0
            dsIds = np.zeros(len(idxs)*self.grid_cells, dtype=int)
            vehIds = np.zeros(len(idxs)*self.grid_cells, dtype=int)
            for idx in idxs:
                dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
                targets = self.itsCentGrid(idx)
                targetsIndex = np.nonzero(targets)
                for index in targetsIndex[0]:
                    dsIds[count] = dsId
                    vehIds[count] = targets[index]
                    count += 1
            return [dsIds[:count], vehIds[:count]]


    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return column index in track
    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return vehicle location(X Y)
    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return vehicle maneuver
    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return target vehicles id
    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return vehicle's dynamic (velocity & acceleration)
    given dataset id, vehicle id, frame time return vehicle's size (length & width)

    ## Avoid searching the correspond column for too many times.
        def getTracksCol(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            return np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
        ## Get the vehicle's location from tracks
        def getLocation(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            location = self.getLocationByCol(dsId, vehId, colIndex)
            return location
        def getLocationByCol(self, dsId, vehId, colIndex):
            return self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][1:3, colIndex].transpose()
        ## Get the vehicle's maneuver given dataset id, vehicle id and time point t.
        def getManeuver(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            lat_lon_maneuvers = self.getManeuverByCol(dsId, vehId, colIndex)
            return lat_lon_maneuvers
        def getManeuverByCol(self, dsId, vehId, colIndex):
            return self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][4:6, colIndex].astype(int)
        ## Get the vehicle's nearby neighbours
        def getGrid(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            grid = self.getGridByCol(dsId, vehId, colIndex)
            return grid
        def getGridByCol(self, dsId, vehId, colIndex):
            return self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][11:, colIndex].astype(int)
        ## Get the vehicle's dynamic (velocity & acceleration) given dataset id, vehicle id and time point t.
        def getDynamic(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            vel_acc = self.getDynamicByCol(dsId, vehId, colIndex)
            return vel_acc
        def getDynamicByCol(self, dsId, vehId, colIndex):
            return self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][9:11, colIndex]
        ## Get the vehicle's size (length & width) given dataset id and vehicle id
        def getSize(self, dsId, vehId):
            length_width = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][6:8, 0]
            return length_width


    Helper function to get track history
    given dataset id, vehicle id, reference vehicle id, frame time return track history
    Helper function to get track future
    given dataset id, vehicle id, reference vehicle id, frame time return track future

    ## Helper function to get track history
        def getHistory(self, dsId, vehId, refVehId, t, wholePeriod=False):
            if vehId == 0:
                # if return empty, it denotes there's no vehicle in that grid.
                return np.empty([0, 2])
                vehColIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
                refColIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][refVehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
                vehTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][1:3].transpose()
                refTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][refVehId - 1][1:3].transpose()
                # Use the sequence of trajectory or just the last instance as the refPos
                if wholePeriod:
                    refStpt = np.maximum(0, refColIndex - self.t_h)
                    refEnpt = refColIndex + 1
                    refPos = refTrack[refStpt:refEnpt:self.d_s, :]
                    refPos = np.tile(refTrack[refColIndex, :], (self.hist_len, 1))
                stpt = np.maximum(0, vehColIndex - self.t_h)
                enpt = vehColIndex + 1
                vehPos = vehTrack[stpt:enpt:self.d_s, :]
                if len(vehPos) < self.hist_len:
                    histPart = vehPos - refPos[-len(vehPos)::]
                    paddingPart = np.tile(histPart[0, :], (self.hist_len - len(vehPos), 1))
                    hist = np.concatenate((paddingPart, histPart), axis=0)
                    return hist
                    hist = vehPos - refPos
                    return hist
        ## Helper function to get track future
        def getFuture(self, dsId, vehId, t):
            colIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            futTraj = self.getFutureByCol(dsId, vehId, colIndex)
            return futTraj
        def getFutureByCol(self, dsId, vehId, colIndex):
            vehTrack = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1].transpose()
            refPos = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][vehId - 1][1:3, colIndex].transpose()
            stpt = colIndex + self.d_s
            enpt = np.minimum(len(vehTrack), colIndex + self.t_f + 1)
            futTraj = vehTrack[stpt:enpt:self.d_s, 1:3] - refPos
            return futTraj
        def getPlanFuture(self, dsId, planId, refVehId, t):
            # Traj of the reference veh
            refColIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][refVehId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            refPos = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][refVehId - 1][1:3, refColIndex].transpose()
            # Traj of the planned veh
            planColIndex = np.where(self.Tracks[dsId - 1][planId - 1][0, :] == t)[0][0]
            stpt = planColIndex
            enpt = planColIndex + self.t_f + 1
            planGroundTrue = self.Tracks[dsId - 1][planId - 1][1:3, stpt:enpt:self.d_s].transpose()
            planFut = planGroundTrue.copy()
            # Fitting the downsampled waypoints as the planned trajectory in testing and evaluation.
            if self.fit_plan_traj:
                wayPoint        = np.arange(0, self.t_f + self.d_s, self.d_s)
                wayPoint_to_fit = np.arange(0, self.t_f + 1, self.d_s * self.further_ds_plan)
                planFut_to_fit = planFut[::self.further_ds_plan, ]
                laterParam = fitting_traj_by_qs(wayPoint_to_fit, planFut_to_fit[:, 0])
                longiParam = fitting_traj_by_qs(wayPoint_to_fit, planFut_to_fit[:, 1])
                planFut[:, 0] = quintic_spline(wayPoint, *laterParam)
                planFut[:, 1] = quintic_spline(wayPoint, *longiParam)
            revPlanFut = np.flip(planFut[1:,] - refPos, axis=0).copy()
            return revPlanFut
        def __getitem__(self, idx):
            dsId = self.itsDsId(idx)
            centVehId = self.itsPlanVehId(idx)
            t = self.itsTime(idx)
            centGrid = self.itsCentGrid(idx)
            planGridLocs = []
            targsHists = []
            targsFuts = []
            targsLonEnc = []
            targsLatEnc = []
            nbsHists = []
            planFuts = []
            targsVehs = np.zeros(self.grid_cells)
            for id, target in enumerate(centGrid):
                if target:
                    targetColumn = self.getTracksCol(dsId, target, t)
                    # Get the grid of each neighbour vehicle.
                    grid = self.getGridByCol(dsId, target, targetColumn)
                    # Targets history and future
                    targsVehs[id] = target
                    targsHists.append(self.getHistory(dsId, target, target, t))
                    targsFuts.append(self.getFutureByCol(dsId, target, targetColumn))
                    # Targets maneuvers
                    latMan, lonMan = self.getManeuverByCol(dsId, target, targetColumn)
                    lat_enc = np.zeros([3])
                    lon_enc = np.zeros([2])
                    lat_enc[latMan - 1] = 1
                    lon_enc[lonMan - 1] = 1
                    # Neighbours history
                    nbsHists.append([self.getHistory(dsId, i, target, t, wholePeriod=True) for i in grid])
                    # PlanVeh future
                    planGridLocs.append(np.where(grid == centVehId)[0][0])
                    planFuts.append(self.getPlanFuture(dsId, centVehId, target, t))
            return planFuts, nbsHists, \
                   targsHists, targsFuts, targsLonEnc, targsLatEnc, \
                   centGrid, planGridLocs, idx
        ## Collate function for dataloader
        def collate_fn(self, samples):
            targs_batch_size = 0
            nbs_batch_size = 0
            for _, nbsHists, targsHists, _, _, _, _, _, _ in samples:
                targs_batch_size += len(targsHists)
                nbs_number = [sum([len(nbs) > 0 for nbs in sub_nbsHist]) for sub_nbsHist in nbsHists]
                nbs_batch_size += sum(nbs_number)
            # Initialize all things
            nbsHist_batch   = torch.zeros(self.hist_len,  nbs_batch_size,   2)
            targsHist_batch = torch.zeros(self.hist_len,  targs_batch_size, 2)
            targsFut_batch  = torch.zeros(self.fut_len,   targs_batch_size, 2)
            lat_enc_batch   = torch.zeros(targs_batch_size, 3)
            lon_enc_batch   = torch.zeros(targs_batch_size, 2)
            planFut_batch   = torch.zeros(self.plan_len,   targs_batch_size, 2)
            idxs = []
            pos = [0, 0]
            # Fill 1 on those grid locations with neighbour
            nbsMask_batch      = torch.zeros(targs_batch_size, self.grid_size[1], self.grid_size[0], self.enc_size, dtype=self.mask_num_type)
            planMask_batch     = torch.zeros(targs_batch_size, self.grid_size[1], self.grid_size[0], self.enc_size, dtype=self.mask_num_type)
            targsEncMask_batch = torch.zeros(len(samples),     self.grid_size[1], self.grid_size[0], self.targ_enc_size, dtype=self.mask_num_type)
            targsFutMask_batch = torch.zeros(self.fut_len,     targs_batch_size,  2)
            targetCount = 0
            nbCount = 0
            for i, (planFuts, nbsHists, targsHists, targsFuts, targsLonEnc, targsLatEnc, centGrid, planGridLocs, idx) in enumerate(samples):
                centGridIndex = centGrid.nonzero()[0]
                for j in range(len(targsFuts)):
                    targsHist_batch[0:len(targsHists[j]), targetCount, 0] = torch.from_numpy(targsHists[j][:, 0])
                    targsHist_batch[0:len(targsHists[j]), targetCount, 1] = torch.from_numpy(targsHists[j][:, 1])
                    targsFut_batch[0:len(targsFuts[j]), targetCount, 0] = torch.from_numpy(targsFuts[j][:, 0])
                    targsFut_batch[0:len(targsFuts[j]), targetCount, 1] = torch.from_numpy(targsFuts[j][:, 1])
                    targsFutMask_batch[0:len(targsFuts[j]), targetCount, :] = 1
                    pos[0] = centGridIndex[j] % self.grid_size[0]
                    pos[1] = centGridIndex[j] // self.grid_size[0]
                    targsEncMask_batch[i, pos[1], pos[0], :] = torch.ones(self.targ_enc_size).byte()
                    lat_enc_batch[targetCount, :] = torch.from_numpy(targsLatEnc[j])
                    lon_enc_batch[targetCount, :] = torch.from_numpy(targsLonEnc[j])
                    planFut_batch[0:len(planFuts[j]), targetCount, 0] = torch.from_numpy(planFuts[j][:, 0])
                    planFut_batch[0:len(planFuts[j]), targetCount, 1] = torch.from_numpy(planFuts[j][:, 1])
                    # Set up neighbor, neighbor sequence length, and mask batches:
                    for index, nbHist in enumerate(nbsHists[j]):
                        if len(nbHist) != 0:
                            nbsHist_batch[0:len(nbHist), nbCount, 0] = torch.from_numpy(nbHist[:, 0])
                            nbsHist_batch[0:len(nbHist), nbCount, 1] = torch.from_numpy(nbHist[:, 1])
                            pos[0] = index % self.grid_size[0]
                            pos[1] = index // self.grid_size[0]
                            nbsMask_batch[targetCount, pos[1], pos[0], :] = torch.ones(self.enc_size).byte()
                            nbCount += 1
                            if index == planGridLocs[j]:
                                planMask_batch[targetCount, pos[1], pos[0], :] = torch.ones(self.enc_size).byte()
                    targetCount += 1
            return nbsHist_batch, nbsMask_batch, \
                   planFut_batch, planMask_batch, \
                   targsHist_batch, targsEncMask_batch, \
                   targsFut_batch, targsFutMask_batch, lat_enc_batch, lon_enc_batch, idxs



        本文标题:data.py NGSIM数据处理的理解
