Yesterday, I was so angry with the guys who deceived me . Three months ago, I invested a crypto currency exchange focused on LinkToken. When they just open for one week ,I know they will be scam. In the end ,I think it is totally a scam. And the guy refuse my apply for refund my money, however he refund money to other investors.
There is no reason to satisfy others just ignore me. It made me so angry. I am scheduled to fight with them.
It made me so sad and angry. I am so stupid for that. That's why I should think about it deeply. I have made so many mistakes this year. What I'm trying to say is we should learn from our mistake. When you think about it , it is the best sample of failure. One thing we have to remember is that we always know why but we cannot overcome it.
My first bad investment is OCX ,the token of a crypto currency exchange. I had been using this exchange for half years. The reason I invest it is it is worthy. But now it is so bad.
The second is JDB, the token of a crypto currency exchange with LinkToken.
It's very good in the beginning. But now it's shit. I will I didn't know them. That's exactly what I have said.
Learning new words and expression
1. billboards 广告牌
2. leaflets 传单
3. prime-time golden time
a. It's forbidden to play TV in the prime-time only ads.
4. wipers 雨刮器
5. preview and review
6. parasail 滑翔伞
7. eatery 简便饮食店
8. pineapple 菠萝