Day 16, Page 171-183

Day 16, Page 171-183

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-06-22 10:59 被阅读0次


1. I came up with this character called Creighton and Cretin, and I got on a roll.

on a roll: experiencing a period of success or good luck

造句:They were on the roll, and won nine games in a row. 

2. I must've banged out twenty strips, and I didn't even break a sweat.

bang out: to complete a task quickly and hastily(轻率地,急促地,草草地)

break a sweat: to put forth a large amount of energy or effort into or toward a task意思就是费劲儿

造句:I have to bang out my homework but it really breaks a sweat.

3. I'm gonna do this rad jump. Yo dude watch out for that telephone wire.


rad jump


造句:Jack never succeed in his rad jumping.

4. I came clean with Rowley and told him the whole truth about what happened.

come clean with someone about something: to be honest with someone about something

造句:I want you to come clean with me about your financial status.

5. But I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.

set the record straight: to tell the true facts that have not been accurately report

造句:If we are wrong and Tom wants to set the record straight, he should just talk to us. 

6. ...and that he's suspended from Patrols for a week.

suspend: 使暂时停职(或停学等)to officially prevent sb from doing their job, going to school, etc. for a time

造句:She was suspended from school for fighting. 


1. Well, I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation, but I finally made up my mind. I decided the right thing to do was to just let Rowley take one for the team this time around.

分析: toss: to move about restlessly, especially during the sleeping

turn over: to give something slow and careful thought, considering different aspects or possibilities

this Rowley situation: 之前我们也在书中见到过类似的表达,是the whole...story/stuff都可以用来表示“……那一摊子事/那回事儿”

take one for the team: Willingly undertake an unpleasant task or make a personal sacrifice for the collective benefit of one's friends or colleagues.

造句:Considering the whole math-exam-cheating situation, they just decided to let Tom take one for the team. 

2. Mr. Ira told me he had made some "minor edits" to my comic. I thought he just meant he fixed spelling mistakes ans stuff like that, but he totally butchered it. 

分析:make some edits这个结构我在昨天的笔记中也提到过,make本没有什么实际意义,也可以直接用edit 的动词词义直接替代。

小修小改可以说minor edit, 大改就可以说major edit.

fix spelling mistakes, fix也可以用很多其他词替代,例如correct/ revise/ put right...



这里表示Mr. Ira totally ruined Greg's comics 

造句:My father thought I would be grateful for his major editing for my papers, but it just turned out that he butchered my perfect original version. 


 I have been being very busy the whole day. My final paper is supposed to handed in at 8:00 pm, which means I have to bang out it before 7:50. But the whole process really bugged me because I definitely broke a sweat. Finally at 7:30, I got it finished but the computer screen turned black all of the sudden. At the beginning I pretended to play it cool for a while, but I failed in three seconds. I wailed, with my whole body trembling. Right then my brother marched toward me and came clear with me that it was just one of his gimmicks...Oh, Man! And if eyes could kill, I was 100% sure my brother was dead right then. 


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