BIANCA是Brain Intensity AbNormality Classification Algorithm的缩写,主要用来算WMH
BIANCA is a fully automated, supervised method for white matter hyperintensities (WMH) detection, based on the k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) algorithm.
BIANCA classifies the image’s voxels based on their intensity and spatial features, and the output image represents the probability per voxel of being WMH.
BIANCA is very flexible in terms of MRI modalities to use and offers different options for weighting the spatial information, local spatial intensity averaging, and different options for the choice of the number and location of the training points.
Griffanti 2016 L. Griffanti, G. Zamboni, A. Khan, L. Li, G. Bonifacio, V. Sundaresan, U. G. Schulz, W. Kuker, M. Battaglini, P. M. Rothwell, M. Jenkinson (2016) BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormality Classification Algorithm): a new tool for automated segmentation of white matter hyperintensities. Neuroimage. 141:191-205.
1. 数据准备
1.1 需要的图像