Yesterday my low back got sprained. I didn’t feel so much pain at the first hour , but later I couldn’t walk or stand or sit still. I spent the rest of day on bed. And now I am still lying on bed.It is such a miserable experience when you’re disabled to accomplish even a simple daily task.
I am a morning person, I take care of our meal every day. Now it’s already past my breakfast time and I was hungry, my belly protesting loudly. There was nothing I could do but wait for my meal patiently. It would be improper for the incapable to boss around.
Finally I got my meal and together with the pills. I’d like a cup of coffee, but that was too much to ask for, right? I miss my morning coffee, even the noisy sound of grinding coffee beans, but anyway this longing should be dealt subtly as long as you can’t take care of yourself.
When we’re in our sickbed , we’re spontaneously inclined to minimize our desires and lower our expectations. And the problems that we share everyday don’t seem to be problems anymore, like our kid’s poor school performance, our life partner’s long working hours.
And then we become more grateful for what we have. We start to see things in a whole new perspective.Here’s where I got to see this point.
My mother in-law called me early this morning. She asked what treatment I was taking and whether I got better by now. Then she said she bought a bag of sweet potatoes from a farmer yesterday in her community center. The potatoes were so sweet and purple by looks that she decided to fetch another bag for me. But when she got there, the farmer was just gone, driven away by the community security. Then she insisted on saving up this bag of potatoes for us. She brought on another news for me that my brother in-law got high blood pressure too, even worse than hers, and had to take pills everyday in future.
My mother in-law is seventy five but very vigorous. In the past I would get bored with her talking about vegetables and small things like who’s got sick again . But today, I was very grateful for the small talk she brought up and I think she’s really a caring person.
P.S. I stole the picture coming below from my niece. At the first sight I thought they’re unreal gooses. But they’re real.
