

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-01-10 22:46 被阅读0次


好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17 好坏消息都没负担但需要帅哥陪伴!上帝要给我一样东西我会要啥?-gap 17






Good with moha since I just got some not too god news.  u see never plan anything and I Was just feeling so comfortable with my life style so others will not be! Anyhow this morning call is not good but I did best to arrive early having call standing by Sharath car.

6.17am arrive put my thing others still que there and get on call just about a hour on time to be back and know girls there already always Italian Spanish and shelly



回去洗衣服,和Moha去了chakras house认识bolivia girl,目标之一就是bolivia trip,南美好友智利,厄瓜多尔和bolivia,明年吧,今年基本都订好了。



no need extra to suffer, we have enough capital.

Brain if it is computer, already crashed many times. human brain is so elastic with all our crabs.

Vritti is 浪花,Chita是大海,浪花平静后看到海底清澈,就是consciouness

Abhyasa is one pointed and look within.

if we open the tap no water, outside trigger cannot do much more

we do not see well this life, why see previous life.

a girl pleasantly plump and astrologist said she was belly dancer in Lebanon. what a hack!

Asana and pranayama is 和自己约会.

likes dislikes are ragas, as long as not burden on me.

if we attached to experience, like cricket so we come back to life again.

之后急忙赶去old shala和奥地利严肃girl K一起参加她harmonie课程,先是一起唱颂,K很认真,之后开始弹harmonies:乐器历史如下,

Although this is a Eu­ro­pean invention, it has evolved into a truly bi-cultural instrument.  The keyboard is Eu­ro­pean, but it has a num­ber of drone reeds which are par­ti­cu­larly In­dian.  Eu­ro­pean models came in both hand pumped and foot pumped models.  The foot pumped models disappeared in India many years ago.  This is be­cause the foot pedals re­quired one to sit in a chair; something which is unusual for an In­dian musician.  Also the only advantage of the foot model was that it freed both hands so that both melody and chords could be played.  In­dian music has no chords, so this was no advantage.  Although the hand pumped models re­quired one hand to pump they were more portable and comfortable when played on the floo

之后进来一个西班牙女士,很有表演欲,给我们谈了几曲,非常有感情chanting。我和K去喝pomegranate juice,聊彼此要做的事,我鼓励她Innsbruck开shala,瑜伽让我们知道什么更重要。


5.50公开课,回去,都不知道在讲啥,最后The Gāyatrī mantra


The Blessed Lord said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.

The Gāyatrī mantra

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ


bhargo devasyadhīmahi

dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

– Rigveda 3.62.10

The Gāyatrī mantra is dedicated to Savitṛ, a Vedic Sun deity. However many monotheistic sects of Hinduism such as Arya Samaj hold that the Gayatri mantra is in praise of One Supreme Creator known by the name AUM (ओउ्म् ) as mentioned in the Yajur Veda, 40:17.

Swami Vivekananda: "We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds."

Monier Monier-Williams (1882): "Let us meditate on that excellent glory of the divine vivifying Sun, May he enlighten our understandings."

太阳中心论,Helio而不是geo centric



sri-bhagavan uvaca

imam vivasvate yogam

proktavan aham avyayam

vivasvan manave praha

manur iksvakave 'bravit

God is in tree, in fish, not a white man.

intelligence and intellect不同。

god问我只要一个东西,会是啥,我: happiness which does not go by so quickly.


回来凉台上对着明亮月亮吃了我的dal,两只狗狗陪伴,好享受。晚上Maxi过来,正好我多带的DHA给孕妇的她,都是因缘,安慰和鼓励她,因为一个人需要陪伴和鼓励,她也无法上课。心情非常复杂,我把周围孕妇诸多经验分享给她!决定代替她去janism temple!因为要做不一样的事!


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