

作者: 氮化镓加砷 | 来源:发表于2016-04-28 11:25 被阅读1125次



Swift’sArray type now has full value semantics. Updated the information about Mutability of Collections and Arrays to reflect the new approach. Also clarified the Assignment and Copy Behavior for Strings, Arrays, and Dictionaries.

Array类型成为了数值类型,由结构来实现,所以在赋值或者作为参数传递的时候会拷贝一个全新的数值,而不像类一样,仅仅只是传递了一个引用 , 所以array也就没有了前面版本的unshare和copy方法



The value of an array includes the values of all of its elements. Copying an array also copies all of the elements of that array that are value types. This means that changing one of the elements of an array does not change the elements of any of the copies of the array. For example

var array = [1, 2, 3]
var arrayCopy = array
array[0] = 100
// array is [100, 2, 3]
// arrayCopy is [1, 2, 3]

If the elements in an array are instances of classes, changing the class does affect other copies, because classes have reference semantics. For example:

class ExampleClass { var value = 10 }
var array = [ExampleClass(), ExampleClass()]
var arrayCopy = array
// Changing the class instance effects it in both places  改变数组元素中类的属性会影响COPY数组
array[0].value = 100
// arrayCopy[0].value is also 100
// Changing the elements of the array effects only one place 而改变数组的元素却不会
array[0] = ExampleClass()
// array[0].value is 10
// arrayCopy[0].value is 100

由于Arr变成了数值类型所以用for in循环是修改没法修改数组元素的,但是如果数组元素是类的话,可以修改类中的属性

var appleArr = [Apple(),Apple()]

for x:Apple in appleArr{
    x.name = "modify"
print("\(appleArr[0].name)---\(appleArr[1].name)--")  //modify

var strArr:[String] = ["a","b"]
for var x:String in strArr{
    x = "modify"
print("\(strArr)---\(strArr)--") //  [a,b]

Every array has a region of memory which stores the content of the array. If the array’s Element type is not a class or @objc protocol type, this storage is a contiguous block of memory; otherwise, this storage can be a contiguous block of memory, an instance of NSArray, or an instance of an NSArray subclass.

When an array’s storage is full, it allocates a larger region of memory and copies its elements into the new storage. The new storage is allocated to be a multiple of size of the old storage. This exponential growth strategy means that appending an element happens in constant time, averaging the performance of many append operations—append operations that trigger reallocation have a performance cost, but they occur less and less often as the array grows larger.

If you know approximately how many elements you will need to store, use the reserveCapacity(:) method before appending to the array to avoid the intermediate reallocations. Use the capacity and count properties to determine how many more elements the array can store without allocating a larger storage.

var appendArr:[String] = ["c","d","e"]

var strArr:[String] = ["a","b"]

for var x in appendArr{



var appendArr:[String] = ["c","d","e"]

var strArr:[String] = ["a","b"]


Bridging Between Array and NSArray
You can bridge between Array and NSArray using the as operator. All of the elements of the array must be bridged to Foundation types for the array to be bridged.

Bridging from Array to NSArray takes constant time and space if the array’s elements are instances of a class or an @objc protocol; otherwise, it takes linear time and space.

意思就是ARRAY和NSarray的转换 采用AS符号 ,如果元素是OBJ类实例的话会消耗固定时间,如果不是的话,会花费线性时间。

var strArr:[String] = ["a","b"]
let s = (strArr as NSArray).objectAtIndex(0)

Bridging from NSArray to Array first calls the copyWithZone: method on the array to get an immutable copy of the array, which takes linear time for most mutable subclasses of NSArray, and then performs additional Swift bookkeeping work, which takes constant time. However, if the instance of NSArray is already immutable, its implementation of copyWithZone: returns the same array in constant time. The instances of NSArray and Array share storage using the same copy-on-write optimization that is used when two instances of Array share storage.

从NSarray到Array的转换 会调用copyWithZone方法,获得一个不可变的数组,如果元素是可变的(obj类的实例)则会花费线性时间,如果元素是不可变的,则花费固定时间,,并且两个会共享存储空间。

The ContiguousArray class is not bridged; its instances always have a contiguous block of memory as their storage.


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