
作者: 页眉 | 来源:发表于2016-12-03 16:18 被阅读0次

I have been learning programming for almost two years, but barely learning nothing. But today, I'm gonna make an ultimate plan to accomplish my Goal
I'm not a native English speaker, and I have stopped learning for almost one year, so my English might be rusty, my expression could be unreadable.
I'll spend two weeks to review the basic syntax of Python, then finish the online Python course in two weeks. After that, spending two month to reading through the Python flask book.
Meantime, read the HTTP The Definitive Guide, TCP/IP ILLUSTRATION, and learn and review those related knowledge on Web Front End Dev, like HTML, CSS.

Damn! How am I gonna tell my mum, I want to quit my job, and try to find a job as a programmer, which is not quiet easy to find nearby my home.



