由于昨天CR错得惨不忍睹,而且OG上错题解释已经让我无法自圆其说。我觉得我应该是缺了什么部分的知识。如果不补上,这样做下去只是浪费题目而已。所以我谷歌了下 CR的strategy。
Blah blah blah blah blah blah both P and Q. Blah blah blah P more than Q blah blah. Blah blah blah Q instead of P blah blah. Therfore, blah blah T.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Blah blah blah P or Q blah blah
B. Blah blah blab Q instead of P
C. Blah blah P and Q blah blah T
D. Blah blah blah W and T
E. Blah blah blah without any T
(再次吹爆国外的content mkt的功底,不仅边讲解清楚策略,以及放了配套练习,可以马上实测一下自己有没有理解文章里的策略。那个练习还是想实际考试一样的操作界面,右上角有时间提示,这个答题交互细节可以说走心了)
The Spotted Mole is a rodent that burrows underground and eats all forms of vegetable matter. Farmers are concerned that this mole could eat some of their commercial fruits, planted in above-ground planters and bins. The farmers need not worry about the Mole, though, because throughout the region in which the Spotted Mole is found, birds of prey such as hawks and falcons are active, and these birds would prey upon the Spotted Mole if the mole came above ground at all. Therefore, the Spotted Mole poses no threat to these totally above-ground fruits.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The birds of prey capture and kill every single Spotted Mole that comes above ground.
(B) Some land-based mammals active in this region, such as fox, will also hunt and eat the Spotted Mole on a regular basis.
(C) No other animal could pose as significant a threat to the above-ground fruits as could the Spotted Mole.
(D) The times of day the Spotted Mole feeds are the same as the times of day that the birds of prey are in the air.
(E) Larger burrowing mammals, such as badgers or weasels, can dig up the burrows of the Spotted Mole, endangering those that remain underground.
Economist: The price of tap water in our region should be raised drastically. Supplies in local freshwater reservoirs have been declining for years because water is being used faster than it can be replenished. Since the price of tap water has been low, few users have bothered to adopt even easy conservation measures.
The sections in boldface play which of the following roles in the economist's argument?
B) The first is an observation for which the second provides an explanation; the second is the main conclusion but not the only conclusion.
C) The first is a premise supporting the argument's main conclusion; so is the second.
但OG上解释说这水价低,也只能算成argument里的premise,而且是基于观察的premise,或者说causal claims。
City council member: Demand for electricity has been increasing by 1.5 percent a year, and there simply is no more space to build additional power plants to meet future demand increases. We must, therefore, begin to curtail usage, which is why I propose passing ordinances requiring energy-conservation measures in all city departments.
The city council member's proposal assumes which of the following?
E) The city department that successfully conserve energy will set a good example for residential and industrial consumers of electricity.
A) Existing power plants do not have the capacity to handle all of the projected increase in demand for electricity.
For the period from the eighth century through the eleventh century, the shifting boundaries between Kingdom F and Kingdom G have not been well charted. Although a certain village in a border region between the two kingdoms usually belonged to Kingdom G, ninth-century artifacts found in the village were in the typical Kingdom F style of that time. It is unclear whether the village was actually a part of Kingdom F in the ninth century or whether it was a part of Kingdom G but had merely adopted Kingdom F's artistic styles under Kingdom F's cultural influence.
Which of the following would, if found in ninth-century sites in the village, best help in determining whether the village was a part of Kingdom F or Kingdom G in the ninth century?
C) Knives and other utensils made from metal typical of ninth-century mining sites in Kingdom F.
E) Numerous teeth from the ninth century with a chemical signature typical only of teeth from people who had grown up in the heart of Kingdom F.
Infotek, a computer manufacturer in Katrovia, has just introduced a new personal computer model that sells for significantly less than any other model. Market research shows, however, that very few Katrovian households without personal computers would buy a computer, regardless of its price. Therefore, introducing the new model is unlikely to increase the number of computers in Katrovian homes.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
E) Most personal computers purchased in Katrovia are intended for home use.
C) Katrovians in households that already have computers are unlikely to purchase the new Infotek model as an additional computer for home use.
Transportation expenses accounted for a large portion of the total dollar amount spent on trips for pleasure by residents of the United States in 1997, and about half of the total dollar amount spent on transportation was for airfare. However, the large majority of United States residents who took trips for pleasure in 1997 did not travel by airplane but used other means of transportation.
If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true about United States residents who took trips for pleasure in 1997?
C) Per mile traveled, those who traveled by airplane tended to spend more on transportation to their destination than did those who used other means of transportation.
A) Achieving political compromises is not all that is necessary for the proper functioning of a government.
CR给人的挫败感比SC RC都更大,是属于看完OG开完网上的建议都没理清楚为什么对,为什么错的难。枯……