2020年 GMAT自学备考日记-4 CR错题总结

2020年 GMAT自学备考日记-4 CR错题总结

作者: GiftedRoot | 来源:发表于2019-12-13 14:10 被阅读0次


CR 50题



More and more law firms specializing in corporate taxes are paid on a contingency-fee basis. Under this arrangement, if a case is won, the firm usually receives more than it would have received if it had been paid on the alternate hourly rate basis. If the case is lost, the firm receives nothing. Most firms are likely to make more under the contingency-fee arrangement.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen prediction above?

多数法律公司如何能有信心自己能在contingency-fee basis下能挣到更多的钱?就是能保证自己的赢率啊。



Enterprise bank currently requires customers with checking accounts to maintain a minimum balance or pay a monthly fee. Enterprise plans to offer accounts with no monthly fee or no minimum balance requirement to cover their projected administrative cost of $3 per account per month. They plan to charge $30 for overdrawing an account. Since each month, on average, slightly more than 10% of Enterprise customers overdraw their accounts, bank officials predict the new accounts will generate a profit.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the bank officials' prediction?

第一次看出来了some的问题,但是最后因为没得选只能将就了A。因为觉得D哪怕check account取钱的人多,但不代表人家会愿意转去新的account啊。怎么能保证新账号盈利呢。



The Maxilux car company's design for its new luxury model, the Max 100, included a special design for the tires that was intended to complement the model's image. The winning bid for supplying these tires was submitted by robco. Analysts concluded that the bid would only just cover the Rubco's costs on the tiles, but Rubco executives claim that winning the bid will actually make a profit for the company.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly justified claim made by radicals executives?

B) Rubco holds exclusive contracts to supply Maxilux wih the tires for a number of other models made by Maxilux.


D) When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and type.



Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Most bicycle helmets provide protection for the top and back of the head, but little or no protection for temple regions on the sides of the head. The story of head injuries resulting from bicycle accidents shows that a large portion was caused by blows to the temple area. Therefore, if bicycle helmets protect this area, the risk of serious head injury in bicycle accidents would be greatly reduced, especially since ___________?


E) bicyclists generally land on their arm or shoulder when they fall to the side, which reduces the likelihood of severe impacts on the side of the head.




A story of ticket sales and summer theatre festival found that people who bought tickets to individual place had a no-show rate of less than 1%, while those who paid in advance for all time place being performed at summer had no-show rate of nearly 30%. This may be at least in part because the greater awareness customers retain about the cost of an item, the more likely they are to use it.

Which of the following would, if true, best serve as an alternative explanation of the results of the study?

b) Many people who attend the theatre festival believe strongly that they should support financially.

d) Usually, people who bought tickets to individual players did immediately prior to each performance that they attended.



Although there is no record for poet Edmund Spenser parentage. We do know that as youth spencer attended the Merchant Tailors school in London for a period between 1560 and 1517. Records from this time indicating merchant tailors. Dan had only three members. My name is spencer. Robert Spencer listed as a gentleman. Nicholas spencer elected the bills water in 1568. And John spencer listed as a journeyman class maker of this. The last was likely the least affluent of the street and most likely and his father since school accounting record these elements as a scholar who attended the school and reduce reduced fee.

The following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

d) Most of those his father were members of the merchant's Guild were students at the merchant Tailors school.

b) The merchant Tailors school did not reduce its fees for the children of the more affluent members.







Archeologists: Researchers excavating a burial site in Cyprus found a feline skeleton lying near humans that skeleton. Both skeletons were in the same sediment at the same depth and equally well-preserved, suggesting that the feline and human were buried together about 9,500 years ago. This shows that felines were domesticated around the time farming began when they would have been useful in protecting stores of grain from mice.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the archaeologist argument?

c. Paintings found near the burial site seem to show people keeping felines as domestic companions, but do not show felines hunting mice.

d. In Cyprus, there are many burial sites dating from around 9,500 years ago, in which the remains of wild animals buried alongside human remains.






Farmer: Several people in the past few years have claim to have seen a mountain lion in the suburban outskirts—the latest just last month—and, while mountain lions were thought to have been driven from this entire region about 20 years ago. There is no reason for people who reported seeing a mountain lion have deliberately can call come a false report for local wildlife managers should begin to urgently address mountain lions presence.

c. No person who claims to have seen a mountain lion had anyone else with them at the reported site sighting.

d. There have been no regional reports in the past year of mountain lions migrating to the area.

e. Recent surveys show that more than half of the people in the region report that they have never seen a mountain lion before.







The heavy traffic in the sauna is a growing drain on the city's economy—the clogging of the streets of the central business district alone costs the economy more than 1.2 million dollars over the past year. In order to address this problem, officials plan to introduce congestion pricing, by which drivers would pay to enter the city's most heavily trafficked areas during the busiest times of the day.

Which of the following, if true, would most strongly indicate that the plan will be a success?

c. In other urban areas. Congestion pricing has strongly encouraged carpooling. Sharing the sharing of rights by private computers.

d. Several studies have shown that a reduction in traffic and 15% in the sauna can result into five hundred or more new jobs.

城市拥堵导致经济下滑。尤其是中心城区的拥堵。造成了去年120万的损失。 为了解决这个问题,政府打算收费。希望能缓解拥堵,同时不再造成经济上的损失。有哪个选项证明这个arguments是对的?(理解错了,是以为哪个能指出这个方案是会成功的?



而不是干扰项特别强的不堵之后,经济好了,招的人多了。这个是在攻击这个argument的前提。和plan success不success无关。



Economist: The most economically efficient way to reduce emissions of air pollutants is to tax them in proportion to the damage they are likely to cause. But in country Y, many serious pollutants are untaxed and unregulated. And policymakers strongly oppose new taxes. Therefore, the best way to achieve a reduction in air pollutant emissions in country Y would be to institute fixed upper limits on them.

The following is an assumption of the economist's argument?

b. Country Y's policymakers believe that air pollution emissions should be reduced with maximum economic efficiency.

e. Policymakers in country Y do not oppose setting fixed upper limits on air pollutant emissions as strongly as they oppose new taxes.

a. Policymakers in country Y oppose all new taxes equally strongly, regardless of any benefits they may provide.














这道题也相应地反映了我自己的一个思维缺陷。喜欢去attack别人本身认为是对的事情。而不是从assumption入手去说服别人。一般大家的推理过程,把自己确认是对的事情,结合自己感知到的信息,得到一个自己的判断结论。如果要说服对方再三思自己的结论的话,最后不要直接上attack别人默认是对的事情,可以借力assumption。而assumption对方比较容易接受,是因为他们自己也会承认其中的不必然性。attack premise是件最难的事了,而且经常会上海到别人的ego。



Humans get Lyme disease from infected ticks. Tick get infected by feeding on animals with Lyme disease, but the ease of transmission from host animal to tick varies. With most species of host animal, transmission of Lyme disease to ticks is extremely rare, but white-footed mice are an exception, readily passing Lyme disease to ticks. And white-footed mouse populations greatly expand, becoming the main food source for ticks, in areas where biodiversity is in decline.

The information in the passage most strongly supports which of the following?

B) Very few animals that live in areas where there are no white-footed mice are infected with Lyme disease.

C) Humans are less at risk of contracting Lyme disease in areas where diversity is high.

D) Ticks feed on white-footed mice only when other host species are not available to them.



脑补了没有白脚鼠,那动物就不太会被这种病感染。但这是针对tick。原文中说到对于很多宿主来说,这种病毒的传播很少会到tick身上。一下没看出B的animals对应原文。但是不看答案是很难看出来的了。好可怕。这个是偷换了概念,把very few animal替换了tick。这个坑挖的……





      本文标题:2020年 GMAT自学备考日记-4 CR错题总结
