Oct. 2018 苹果专题之 Autumn

Oct. 2018 苹果专题之 Autumn

作者: 宝玩学术专题乐园 | 来源:发表于2018-10-08 12:25 被阅读0次

    告别了夏日的炎热酷暑,我们迎来了微风徐徐而又凉爽的秋季 - Autumn, also known as the Fall season。

    小朋友们知道,What are some characteristics of Fall? 今天我们来罗列几个简单的 秋季的特征吧。

    1. The weather begins to get chillier. 天气慢慢变冷。

    2. The days are get shorter. 日照时间变短。

    3. Leaves change color in Fall. They turned yellow, red or brown and fall from deciduous trees. 树叶会变黄掉落。

    4. Fall is normally associated with harvest time. 秋天是收获的季节。那小朋友们知道最常见的秋季成熟的蔬果有哪些吗? That would be apples, pumpkins and corn!

    最后,问问大家,你们知道,秋季里最特别的节日有哪些吗?What are some of the most celebrated holidays of the season? That would be the Mid-Autumn's Festival, Halloween and Thanksgiving! Did you all get that right?



          本文标题:Oct. 2018 苹果专题之 Autumn
