听力训练营Day 9

听力训练营Day 9

作者: 葉鴻 | 来源:发表于2019-03-01 23:29 被阅读0次

1. So,last week we started our unit on residential architecture in the United States,So today we’ll be surveying a number of architects who made contributions to residential architecture in the 19th century.

2. Now,it’s worth noting that people who designed homes at that time probably had to deal with a certain amount of discouragement. Since there were other architects who thought it was more respectable to design the kind of buildings and maybe other structures that were less less utilitarian in their function.

3. In fact,an article from an 1876 issue of a journal called The American Architect and Building News stated that,and this is a quote,they stated that“the planning of houses isn’t architecture at all”.

4. So one important thing was that the rooms were arranged around a chimmy in the center of the house,which could provide heat for the whole house through flues,uh,small air passageways into each room,as opposed to having a fireplace in every room,which would require more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.

5. But I think she had designed this house today,the same biographers would praise her for coming up with a floor plan that emphasized function,efficient function of a house,as well as a design that’s creative and unique.

6. Research and exploration has been going on in Antarctica for more than two hundred years, and has involved scientists from many different countries, who work together on research stations. Here,science and technical support have been inter… in a very cost-effect way.

7. There's living and working space,a kitchen with a huge food store,a small hospital and a well-equipped gym to ensure everyone keeps fit in their spare time. The station generates its own electricity and communicates with the outside world using a sa.. link.

8. Fortunately no-one was hurt, but these buildings became a huge challenge to architects who finally came up with are markable solution - the buildings are placed on platforms which can be raised above the changing snow level on legs which are extendable.

9. Tonight I'm going to talk to you about that remarkable continent Antarctica- remote, hostile and at present uninhabited on a permanent basis.   For early explorers,it was the ultimate survival contest;for researchers like me,it remains a place of great intellectual challenge;while for the modern tourist,it's simply a wilderness of great beauty.

10. Antarctica is a place of extremes - the highest, coldest and windiest continent and over fifty-eight times the size of the UK.  The ice-cap contains almost 70% of the world's fresh water and 90% of its ice, but with very low snowfall, most of the continent technically falls unbelievably into the category of ' desert'!



      本文标题:听力训练营Day 9
