On Writing Well CH5&6

On Writing Well CH5&6

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-11-01 16:44 被阅读0次

    Ⅰ.Words and express

    1.Don't worry about whether the reader will "get it" if you indulge a sudden impulse for humor.

    indulge to give in to a wish or desire, give oneself up to.

    2.If you lose the dullards back in the dust, you don't want them anyway.

    dullard  a stupid, insentive person.

    3.Now I am saying you must write for yourself and not be gnawed by worry over whether the readers is tagging along.

    gnaw  bite or chew on the teeth.

    tagging along  to follow somebody closely.

    gnawed by worry在这里十分有趣,很生动地体现了写作时瞻前顾后,生怕读者不能理解的状态

    4.Simplify, prune and strive for order.

    prune  weed out unwanted or unnecessary things.

    strive to devote much energy or effort, try hard.

    5.The English language is rich in stong and supple words.

    supple  flexible 可替换

    6.Condoleezza Rice, who hosts foreign notables to beef up the morale of top State Department staffers.

    beef up  to make something bigger.

    morale  the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed.


    In chapter 5 "The Audience", there is a fundamental question "who am I writing for?" Zinsser gave us a fundamental answer: "writing for yourself."

    When you are writing, there is no need to pay too much attention to readers' feeling and favor. Yourself is the only one you need to express and pleased.

    However, it doesn't mean the audience should be ignored. Writing is a craft. We must write clarity and simplicity which readers can get the point easily. Meanwhile, a proper attitude is essential. We should use normal and precise words, while in the contexts, we should express who am I.

    Chapter 6 "Words" told us journalese caused bad influence on people's style. That kind of writing is full of inappropriate use of words.

    Zinsser pointed out, two habits can save us from this plight. One is reading and other is using dictionaries. Reading can teach us learning from ourselves and others writing. Using dictionaries can make us writing more precise. What's more, rhythm and alliteration are also vital to writing.








          本文标题:On Writing Well CH5&6
