Service Discovery

Service Discovery

作者: 运维小兵_加油 | 来源:发表于2017-08-25 13:44 被阅读0次

最近随着 DC/OS 和 k8s 的流行,很多基础服务都不需要我们开发管理了 (例如服务发现),这样大家可以把更多精力放在业务上。下面我们列举一下常用的服务发现方案

  • k8s 自带的 Kube-DNS

    Kube-DNS 可以用 CoreDNS 替代

  • mesos-DNS

    Service iscovery through DNS, however, has some limitations that include:

    • DNS does not identify service ports, unless you use an SRV query; most apps are not able to use SRV records “out of the box.”
    • DNS does not have fast failover.
    • DNS records have a TTL (time to live) and Mesos-DNS uses polling to create the DNS records; this can result in stale records.
    • DNS records do not provide any service health data.
    • Some applications and libraries do not correctly handle multiple A records; in some cases the query might be cached and not correctly reloaded as required.
  • marathon-lb

    To address mesos-dns's known problem, mesosphere provide a tool for Marathon called Marathon Load Balancer, or marathon-lb. 可以参考 https://mesosphere.com/blog/dcos-marathon-lb/https://mesosphere.com/blog/service-discovery-and-load-balancing-with-dcos-and-marathon-lb-part-2/

  • 基于zk/consul/etcd 开发的服务发现

    这种方式需要开发人员自己实现服务发现的功能,目前大多数公司使用 consul 作为服务发现的比较多,以为它使用简单,功能齐全。

现在开发一套系统不需要自己写服务发现的代码了, 可以直接使用 k8s or mesos/marathon 和 marathon-lb 来实现, 节省了很多时间, 而且这也是主流。



      本文标题:Service Discovery
